DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
United States
I'm sorry for your accident.
Here's how you can get the logs and have DJI review them to see what happened.
You can start a ticket from support and include the Dropbox link.
To get the DAT files you power up the aircraft, controller, app. Go into MC settings, then Advanced settings, then enter flight data mode, connect the Phantom to your home computer via USB post (on the aircraft, not the gimbal)
You'll hear the Phantom beeping and it won't stop until all the flight records are copied onto your computer.
Use the DJI Pilot app to enter "Flight Data Mode".
1. Click the top right corner of the main screen to enter the settings menu.
2. Choose the blue highlight icon to enter the MC Settings menu.
3. Select Advanced Settings.
4. Select "Enter flight data mode".
There will be a prompt that tells you to connect the Phantom 3 via USB cable and you will be in flight data mode.
A drive will show up on your computer that contains a log file for the most recent times you have turned on your
Only upload the last flight with the issue to Dropbox.