Found some interesting stuff out about Inspire battery behavour this morning.
On sunday I went for a bit of a fly and like I always do, Batteries and remotes, Ipad etc were all charged, so off I went.
Now call it paranoia , but when I fly around area's where a crash would be ugly.....over water etc, I only run my batteries down to around 50% in flight, come in and change them......just to be extra safe.
Well I took 4x 48's and 5x 47's with me.
Buy the end of my session I had run down all the 48's to the usual 50% approx and was done flying, so packed up and went home.
Fast forward this morning.......
I didn't recharge my batteries as this was a quick flight and I knew all the 47's had not been used, so I thought they would do, having only been charged a few days back.
I got to the Job and was getting ready and about to put a battery in the bird, and just for some reason, pressed the buttons on the 48's just to see how much was left in them, and low and behold !! they were ALL fully charged again !!
Now knowing there hadn't been any sort of divine intervention take place I thought this is very odd, so I put one in the bird, fired it up and hovered just off the ground to see what would happen.
As expected, they started at 98%, but within 30 secs or so, they were down to 80% and falling fast.........so I was obviously seeing a surface charge on the batteries....all 4 behaved the same exact way.
Now because I only run mine down to 50% or so, had I taken off and flew, things would have still worked out fine, and I would have had plenty of reserve power to land safely, but had I run them down to the lowest level, I would have had around a minute or so before the battery suddenly ran out off puff, causing all sorts of grief.......you can fly a long way away in a minute or so......
So the warning is this....
Load test your batteries, even when 4 green lights all light up.....you may not be seeing what is actually in the battery.......so, hover while monitoring the battery for at least 30 secs to a minute to be confident.
Having read a lot of sad tails about sudden power loss on here, I am pretty sure this is actually happening more than you think.
I don't really consider this a fault because no battery can be fully tested without a load applied.
I haven't seen this before because typically I always charge all my batteries before going out......had I just pressed the check button, or someone else picked up the batteries not knowing they had been used.....this could have turned out differently..........be careful people