Last weekend in spite of bad weather I put my Inspire and Osmo handle to test. Here in Estonia we have mostly cloudy weather during winter and so called magic hour for filming does not exist. We have low ambient light conditions and mostly grey is the dominating color.
My goal was to combine Inspire X3 and Osmo handle to test in such conditions.
Equipment used:
Inspire 1 (with X3 camera)
Osmo handle kit
Osmo extension stick, car mount and tripod.
Keep in mind that the footage is shot in extremely poorly lit conditions and in my mind the X3 performed quite well.
Location was old radio station built in 1949.
Hope you enjoy! (Please ignore YouTube compression J )
How great are those Osmo's
The only downside I can find with them is the fact my Iphone battery doesn't last long enough......... I have 4 Osmo batteries, but am yet to figure out what to do with the phone.
Absolutely stunning video! There are still a lot of abandoned buildings on the post- soviet territory... Your shooting skills are great and color grading is absolutely awesome...
Also there was a super close call at 2.57
Yes, we have quite a number of these kind of places left abandoned. At the moment I plan to do little series of these old military bases from the Soviet area.
Martin, One of my great passions in life is to explore old deserted tech places, like this and military bases, air bases train sites, power stations....etc etc.
Do you have a YouTube channel..... I would love to see more of your stuff.
One day hope to tour places like Chernobyl etc.
Dear Harb ... You wrote to Martin, our young Estonian friend and very talented film maker " ... you are very lucky over there ... you have so much history to explore ...". You're right, there's indeed so much of history to explore, but I will hardly call it luck.
I know you didn't mean that, but your unfortunate wording hit me in the face really hard. Only old farts like myself can remember all the horror and hardship of living under Soviet regime, and Estonians were not lucky for sure as well. These grim, decaying remains of Russian infiltration and Cold War paranoia are all over Eastern Europe, pompous even now as they were build in order to make us feel so insignificant, so small In the presence of The State ...
Images like that, so brilliantly captured by young Martin, makes me shivering ... You're lucky, Harb, not having such history to explore in Australia.
Yes dobmatt, on that count you are right, and I understand your sadness, so for that I apologise is not luck the way you got it thats for sure.
I understand your position because although I was born in Australia, my family was not, and as of about 6 months ago when my mother died, I am the very last person to hold our family name.
Most of my extended family have been lost to war.....mostly World War 2, but also in some of the later conflicts as well.
I also was to join the air force, but promised my Mother not to join the army or was a promise I kept........ That dear old lady lost everything, and my father came away from WW2 with horrible reminders, and even on his death bed I held his hand while his mind made him re live all the bad memories.....just horrible .
So again I Apologise for the way I said that........ I certainly did not mean you guys are lucky in that way.....they are awful memories for those of you that lived through it dictatorship or war and opression.
we are very lucky here in Australia there is no doubt......and we are lucky not to have the history some places around the world do........I will try and remember that a bit better.
And many were since, quite recently the National Geographic Magazine crew. Their images are of the same mood Martin was able to capture in his video. Grim, dark and decaying structures within apparently bursting Nature, rusting child playground and amusement park, peeling wall paint and shattered windows, rotten books and newspapers, chilling picture of a toy dolly in moss-covered garbage pile ... Creepy.
Beautiful work! Love the exposure, colours, everything. Tell me, is the artifacting I see present in the original? I'm guessing with the low light conditions there would be some.
I'm very interested to see how the X5R behaves in these situations.
jimhare Posted at 2016-3-15 02:56
Beautiful work! Love the exposure, colours, everything. Tell me, is the artifacting I see present ...
Thank You!
Actually there is very little artifacting on the original. There is some, however this is normal for such a small camera that has its limitations. I would love to have X5R to test in these kind of conditions.
Most of the problems regarding image quality come with joy using YouTube
It seems that YouTube destroys image that has lots of shadows and dark spots. Is it possible for regular user to have good quality when uploding to YouTube? Or do I need to have million subscribers? It seems that some users can have quite nice results.
Actually there is very little artifacting on the original. There is some, however thi ...
Thanks Martin. Yeah, it can be real hit and miss. Glad to hear most aren't in the original.
I've had both very good and very bad results with YouTube. Some things look great and other create terrible artifacts where none exist in the original.
As for artifcats in X3 footage, it tends to either be areas of high moving detail, like water, or very tight lines/points that jiggle.
The X5R should be very good when it comes to these, will be interested to see how it performs.
Harb Posted at 2016-3-10 21:31
How great are those Osmo's
The only downside I can find with them is the fact my Iphone battery does ...
Get a cheap, prepaid Android phone (with removable batteries if you prefer) and don't activate it for service. We have extra Android phones/tablets lying around for similar purposes and many are powerful enough to run DJI's app very well.
rad57 Posted at 2016-3-20 01:58
What a piece my friend! Wow, beautiful ! Great work. I have Osmo did not try yet, I am just worrying ...
Thank You!
Yes OSMO with the X3 performed very well. At the moment I am looking forward to see what the X5R can achieve. Lets´s hope that we are going to get soon some good footage. The X5R with the Inspire1 and OSMO can be a powerful combination if the camera does everything that was promised.
Greetings everyone. Working with I 1 in Brazil. I learn a lot here in the forum , I appreciate the contribution of all . I would like you to accompany some of my work. The location of the recording is the city of Morretes, Brazil .