Took a break for winter need advice!
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United States

I chose to put my P3P up for the winter months here in IL and doing so I have not been keeping up with the forum and the issues both new and old. It is getting nice out and I would like to resume flying but I am needing some advice. I have been trying to read up on any current issues so that I may avoid them if possible my concern is the FW upgrade. Currently my P3P has 1.4 FW installed and I am running a nexus 7ii, I would like to know if I should upgrade the FW to 1.6 or stay with 1.4. I am sure there are as many opinions about this as there are registered members as such I am looking for advice from members that are using an android device still running older FW and members running the newest FW. Thank you for your time.  
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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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DJI recommends being on the latest update (1.6) but you are free to do whatever you want.
I and everyone I know is on the latest updates and have both IOS and Android and have no issues at all.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

     Here are some tips for you, In case you forgot anything. This will bring you up to speed on the update process.    I personally think you should update but it is up to you.  Just dont Jump updates! Take one minute to read, might save you some grief.

-  After 1.3  the update FOR the Transmitter is NOT through the SD Card it is through The DJI go  app and  WI-FI connection.
-Always update the aircraft first.
-Make sure you download the proper firmware.  If you have the Pro make sure not downloading for the Advanced or standard. Double check!
-Make sure you only download the Bin File to the FRESH FORMATTED SD CARD Root Directory.
-Make sure transmitter is NOT on when downloading Firmware to aircraft ( VERY IMPORTANT)
-When installing SD with fresh  firmware to the   Aircraft, make sure it is off. Then turn on aircraft, the firmware will then begin  load.
-YOU CANT JUMP FROM 1.4 TO 1.6.  You must stair step 1.3 to 1.4 to 1.5 to 1.6
-All the firmware numbers for the RC - aircraft- Go App - Camera WONT BE THE SAME. For example the current aircraft firmware is but the RC Firmware is 1.5.70.  A LOT OF FOLKS GET CONFUSED ON THIS   (Including Yours Truly when first starting out.)
-Sometimes only the aircraft gets an update and not RC Transmitter   Read the pdf on the downloads page so you know what’s going on for example is only for the aircraft and batteries.
-Make sure to read what each update is effecting. For example will require each battery to be updated as well. Keep Informed.
-Macs’ sometimes do not format SD cards well. When Formatting  Success is in doubt  FORMAT ON THE AIRCRAFT, go to camera settings on dji go app , open the tool icon , on bottom is Format SD  card option.
-Updates sometimes take a while, wait for the tone to change to d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd d-dd  or the solid  green light even better.
-If you hear a long dddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddd   it has failed.
-updating is not an option for just the aircraft, IF there is also an update at that time for the Transmitter you MUST do it.
-To find out your current Firmware: Make sure The Aircraft, Transmitter, and GO-APP are all on. Now go to the “Main Video Flight Screen” , Tap the right hand corner for “ Settings” on the Very Left Bottom of  tab icons  you will see -  - -  this is the “ General Settings   Go to  “About “  Here you will find current Firmware on each device.  If you only see the “App Version  it is because you did not turn everything on like I told Yawl’.  : )
-Updates for the Phantom Standard are Only Done through GO-App and Wi-Fi, no SD Firmware to upload.
- You cant Rollback the Battery Firmware once installed. Once Installed that’s it.  ( Battery Only)
-When doing a Rollback, confirm the Current firmware on the Aircraft and then Rollback Firmware in Order.  NO JUMPING ALLOWED

Hope this helps, all the best - donnie

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United States

Ken, Donnie thanks for the quick responses, both are very helpful. I will let you know how it goes, thanks.

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Flight distance : 879 ft

Just make sure to update to FW1.6. It has updates specifically for low temperature flights.

I just returned  from a short skiing trip and used my P3A with 1.6 without any issues. Conditions were OK, temperature minus5 centigrade, moderate-high wind (20-30kmph), light snowing.
The quadcopter preformed amazingly.

One more thing: keep the battery warm! I kept in in my insulated pocket around body temperature before popping it in the unit.
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United States

Thanks for the tip Balazs
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United States

I'm still using 1.4.1 without any issues, works good.
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