United States
The problem is DJI can already be super difficult and evasive in establishing a warranty claim to begin with. So while technically using a 3rd party app would not void your warranty, others have reported they may try to use that as an excuse for a crash. Someone had a case here recently where they had a battery fail causing the drone to lose power mid-flight and crash. They were using autopilot. DJI rejected the warranty claim, twice. This person was persistent, had kept and shared all the flight data and knew the real problem was power loss and not the third party app. Eventually DJI relented, but they didn't make it easy and if this guy had not known how to read the data (and share it with this community) and ultimately leveraged DJI people here, he would have walked away without support, as some others probably have.
BTW, this is not unique to DJI. I recall the good old days of trying to get Apple computer support where their answer to every crash was to reformat your HD, reinstall their OS, install absolutely no 3rd party apps and if it boots it wasn't their problem.
So the bottom line is just know if you use a 3rd party you haven't voided your warranty but you better be an experienced squeaky wheel if something does happen. |