Hello all. weather has been better so I've flown about 8 flights last week. I noticed a kind of squeaky noise when taking off and landing. I can't hear it when my P3P is above about 10 feet but when I land and take off it's a consistent squeak not very loud and does not sound like metal or motor noise. Does the VPS make any noise that we humans could hear? The only reason I ask that is because it sounds more electronic than mechanical. Any ideas?
That depends on how sensitive your hearing is.
Easy to test by disabling VPS in the app and see if the noise is still there.
You don't really need VPS anyway outdoors so it's fine to leave it disabled.
The aircraft is not silent after powering on, it has a sound from the gimbal. Would you please to shoot a demo video to indicate the sound? That would be helpful. Thanks.
I don't think turning it off actually does turn it off. I think it just doesn't use the data from the VPS when you turn it off. Anyone confirm? Does it do it when sitting on a table before starting motors?
No noise just turned on and sitting. I took the props off and started it and revved it up and I can't get the same noise. I'm having trouble getting the vid to upload. I'll keep trying to get the vid up and see if anyone recognizes the sound.