I will wait to see what happens when the Typhoon H is finally released for sale. Up until now it is a flying demonstration, and having been part of technical 'demonstrations' before, I know they are quite often totally faked because the software or the technology is not yet ripe.
I you watch the demo done on stage, note that the camera is hanging limp off the drone, and to a similar extent on the cactus forest piece. You would not get an ounce of useful video out of that camera the way it is moving around. So I would be suspicious of any of the video material shown, as it may well have been shot from a different drone.
One thing the Typhoon can do however, is swing the camera around to face backwards while flying forward and using the obstacle avoidance feature. The P4 cannot do that. The Typhoon of course only has a single camera pair facing in one direction as far as we know, but can it rotate the cameras around with the gimbal?