What do you want on your wish list for the next Phantom. Add your items in the thread below. I will consolidate.
1) Connectivity
Enhanced connectivity for longer distance flights not acheivable on current radio frequency.
- LTE Support: When the drone is to far away but cell phone coverage still works how about a backup method for video and controls
- Mounted Arial: Signal repeater and large externally mountable arial for long distance flights using RF
- Drone to Drone repeaters: one drone 1.5 miles out retransmits your signal to another drone 3 miles out creating a mesh network.
2) Cloud and Analytics Support:
Link to the cloud for additional computing power and features that are not supported on board,
- Gesture Recognition: Use hand gestures to control the drone instead of controller for that perfect shot (point up down back forward left right - think Kinnect)
- Object Recognition: Program to recognise and search for objects, This could be a car, person, wildlife animal , flaura etc.
- Face Recognitiion: Allow the drone to read a persons face so it knows who is in control of the drone.
- 3D Point Cloud Mapping: Collect point cloud data and upload to cloud, Mashup with Apple Maps and make available to other drones.
- Lost and found tracking and notifcaiton alerts
3) Video and Camera:
Improved camera control and resolution as well as content streaming:
- 360 Gimbal: full viewing from any angle without having to rotate quad
- Motion Tracking with Head Mounted Display
- 3D Camera (two cameras) for 3D viewing especially with HMD (google cardboard)
- Digital Zoom to allow close up shots of items.
- 1080P live video streaming (or switch off in exchange for lower res but more range)
- Should be easier to avoid stuttering/jello effects when filming. Maybe better handling of shutter speed/better data speed could help?
- Better camera quality in low light
- Hires still photo's while creating a video without stopping video tape.
- Higher resolution than 4K Camera
- 360 degree camera like Nokia OZO
4) Batteries, range and Flight time:
- 2 Batteries: If you have ever had a battery die in flight you will know why I want this.
- 1 hour flight time: Allow longer flights especially now we will have LTE Support
- Charging Pad, Drone RTH can land on charging Pad and take off again when charged.
- Charging Stations: charging Pads on roofs of buildings and Transfer payment (bitcoin applepay etc)
- Fuel cell battery option for longer flight times.
- Wireless Power Charging using overhead power lines.
- Laser Powered drones for continious flight.
5) Flight Control
- Full Control Mode: Why can I do flips and rolls on my $50 quad but I can't on my phantom
- Web based drone control. All you need is an internet connected web browser and the password.
- XYZ collision avoidance. All angles, backwards forwards sideways up down. Look for objects aproaching and get out of way.
- Better intelligent flight modes. The computer should be your pilot so that you can focus on filming
- Always on multi directional object avoidance that doesn't impact speed performance
- GPS fail over to 4G/3G/LTE Network. If you lose satellite signal, the mobile network will take over and fail back once satellite signal is back.
6) Autonomous and Formation Flight
Drones are able to decide when, where and how they fly based on various decision criteria, Multiple drones working in unison to acheive a comon goal
- Drone Avoidance: Identify neighbouring drones and plot current postion and trajectory
- Drone Sync: All drones to follow another drone and mimic its flight path safely: Use Case Example Carying a net between 4 drones.
- Missions: Regular patrols or trips to fly around an area: Use case security patrol, Animal protection, Weather monitoring
- Decentralized Autonomus Drones: Drones can hire the services of other drones to assist in a process and pay each other for services
7) Construction Enhancements
- Retractable Landing Gear: Landing gear moves out of camera for our new 360 gimbal
- Propellers that adjust out of shot: Sports mode would be amaizing if we didn't see spinning blades at full throttle.
- Quieter flight. Maybe different prop design. Multiple blades per prop or other unique prop designs specific for quads
- Carbon Fiber Body Construction: Super Light and very strong
- Multi drone link up capabilateis for items such as carrying large solar panels for longer flight times. (See formation Flight)
- Interface for adding additional robotic devices. (See Robotics and Peripherals)
- Stealth mode: Disable GPS Lights off enable LCD camoflage so you see you only see sky behind it.
8) Robotics and Peripherals
Common interface for Snapping on power Data and Peripherals providing capabilaites for attaching Robotic arms, Claws or other devices
- Claw that lowers to pick up items on the ground
- Robot Arm for picking up and manipulating objects.
- Controlable Spot Light for flighing at night, performing searches
- Net type attachments for working with other drones to carry heavy tems
- Laser and or PICO Projector for writing and projecting images on the ground
9) Environmentals
- Water Proof: Rain resistant and waterproof are essential for flights over water
- Floats. An Air pocket that allows the Quad to float in water so you can find
- Beacon: Lost your quad, battery dead. Broadcast postion for as long as you can
- Cold: Self Warming Batteries: Batteries don't work when cold. We used to be able to hover to heat.
10) Commercial Use Case Support
DJI Drones have reached a level of robustness that the consumer drones can now be used for commercial puroposes. B2B and B2C
Some obvious examples below but they would need the supporting equipment and periphreals to support these use cases. Use case could be by the Robotics Peripheral Addons.
- Advertising Drone: Use low watt lasers and Pico projectors to project advertising on the ground.
- Inspection Drones: Bridge Inspection, Road Monitoring, Pipeline inspections, Railway track inspections ..
- Security Drones: Send Drones to monitor neighbourhoods, shops, schools: If there is a breakin sound alarrms, Monitor and track perpetrators
- Police Drones: Monitor Road conditions, Direct Triaffic, Check Car Speeds, Auotmatic Traffic Lights
- Parking inspector drones: Indeitnify cars, take licence plates, check payment, ticket when expired.
- Live Sports: Film sporting events, Follow the footBall, baseball, soccerball and hockey Puck.
- Firefighter Drones: Perform controlled burns, Monitor Fires, Search for pets, people in danger
- Radiation Drones, Safety Drones, Medical Drones .........
- Media and Entertainment
- Delivery Drones
X) Hopes, Dreams and Unicorns
Ideas that I am not sure are legitimate requests but certainly interesting none the less
- Access to satellites for wider angle photos
- Starship Phantom: Intergalactic space travel
- Able to acheive low earth Orbit
- Every drone comes with a free pony
- Radiactive material powered drones