We never recommend flying over people. The Optical Flow System is only available to about 2.5m. After that you are in ATTI mode. It is very stable. You can look at the videos that were done at CES when we were flying in the cage.
I took mine to work the other night and flew it around inside one of our large garages. Here is a raw video if anyone wants to see. Was perfectly stable at 7-8" above the concrete floor! https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ohsc3 ... W8L4bY3Gq3YQWa?dl=0
You can get very solids locks if you set up markers on the floord. These can be very small dots or x's. @ CES flying in the cage we tried a few different methods and they all worked very well.
You've done better than me. I've just tried to fly inside a gym. The compass had to be recalibrated 3 times and the US height sensor did not appear to be working well. It could not detect the floor in a carpeted area and could not auto land in the main area. I thought there would be enough floor markings but there was quite a lot of drift as well.
I'm assuming there were too many magnetic fields for the compass and that the sprung floor was adsorbing the ultrasonic signal.
I wonder what the laws will be to be able to use the drones for "Official Law Enforcement" evidence will be? Just saying because it looked like you were in the LE Business. By the way if you are? you guys and your support teams (Maintenance, Dispatch, etc.) are heroes to me.
Thanks man! Nice to know people still think positive of us! Yes I am a Police Officer but we do not use UAV's at our department as of now. I'm trying to write a policy now to allow us to start using them for non invasive reasons (Search and Rescue, Crime Scene Documentation, etc,...) so we will see. I just took it in before my shift started to practice indoors and then hit the streets after