'Whereas, in the video functionality, the phantom is forced to roll frames according to the setting. 60 frames per second means 60 frames in a second, duh. So it's fast. It rolls. You get smoother image by extracting stills from a video than using the 'camera' function that basically has a 1-2 second shutter.'
Rubbish. The camera is the same whether shooting video or stills. All a video clip consists of is a series of stills. If the camera needs more light it either lengthens the exposure or bumps up the gain. Moving at speed like that in video mode, the shutter speed at 60 fps will be no longer than about 1/80th of a second, letting in very little light. As a result, the gain will be pushed up resulting in heaps of noise.
A Phantom can, under near windless conditions, take 2 or 3 second exposures at night because it is an incredibly stable platform. You might not get it every time, but if you take a series of exposures you will often get one good one.