 Second Officer
Flight distance : 275105 ft
United States
The head tracking you guys are talking about is not what you will get with the P3 or the P4. The only control of the gimbal you will have is the gimbal tilt. The P3 and the P4 require you to turn the drone to turn the camera. If you had an Inspire you could use this. But probably not.
To my knowledge, and I have done much research on this, the only way to get full head tracking is; you have to have an aircraft that uses a futaba controller. The, you need two of the controllers. One of them you use. The other is connected to that one through the training port on the controllers. You connect the goggles, with the head tracking module installed, into the second controller and you wear the goggles. That is at present the only way to get full head tracking with any situation that I am aware of. To get gimbal tilt control with the P3 or P4, the Fatshark goggles WILL NOT WORK. If you want this ability, well, the way I do it is to use the google goggles and Litchi. You don't have to use the chintzy cardboard housing, you can but a plastic 3d printed housing made by many different companies. You use them by putting your smart phone inside them. This gives you a great display at 720p resolution, with gimbal control of the tilt by tilting your head. It also gives you a 70 degree field of view. The Dominator V3 goggles give you a 40 degree field of view. I have a pair. I don't use them anymore. The goggle goggle setup is far superior and much cheaper.
Ciao |