Flight distance : 36716 ft
Hi, I just upgraded from 1.07.6 to 1.080088.
All was done in 6 minutes, ended with success.
But when launching RC and DJI Go I got the fast flashing yellow lights and the red "Signal Lost" message.
I have the camera view, the gimbal moves OK and the camera settings available, but the motors won't start.
I read in the release note that both AC and RC must be updated or they'll not link, fine. But how to update the RC?
DJi Go says "latest firmware" with RC at 1.57 and AC at 1.0760+ (??? why not 1.08?) and ask for nothing and doesn't download any RC firmware either.
I tried pairing the RC and the drone, push the small switch, DJI Go says process ending as usual BUT the small link-led keeps flashing red-light. No joy.
I've done all this above using DJI Go 2.6.1.
So I tried again, installing DJI Go v2.7.2 issued today : all the same symptoms. Signal Lost, motors don't start, unable to pair AC and RC.
I try to downgrade back to FW 1.076 in copying it on a blank formated SD card and firing the drone up: no joy, does nothing, says FW is same or older.
So what can I do to get it working? I'm despaired... 