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Downgrade Firmware
2145961782 2145961782 2016-4-8
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Does anyone know how to downgrade the RC firmware?
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Mount your mobile device on the RC and connect the cable.
Ensure you have internet connectivity with your mobile device.
Power on the RC.
Launch the GO App
From the main camera connect screen, press and hold the Graduates Cap in the upper right corner for at least five (5) seconds (seems forever).. and then let go....

If you held long enough, you will see the firmware downgrade menu where you can select the version to downgrade to....
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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
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terrylewis Posted at 2016-4-8 13:21
Mount your mobile device on the RC and connect the cable.
Ensure you have internet connectivity wit ...

Once again Terry Lewis, I am making copies of your post and putting them in my file.  Valuable Information .

Great Job, where do you find this stuff ?

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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
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dragunflyllc, you have been answered by the best,   you must be someone very important !!

Just kidding,Terry is super knowledgeable and love having him as a friend here !

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terrylewis Posted at 2016-4-8 11:21
Mount your mobile device on the RC and connect the cable.
Ensure you have internet connectivity wit ...

There is a video showing this process on one of the other posts. I will put the link here:

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United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2016-4-8 17:41
There is a video showing this process on one of the other posts. I will put the link here:

https: ...

HI Rich
Do you know, or does anyone know if the 32 channel hack for android works with the latest  app.? On the lower channels offered by DJI I have dancing red bars across the board.  I only have channels that are clear above channel 20  I have not upgraded since 1.5  the geo fencing and complaints of lost performance has caused me to contemplate selling my Inspire.  I have not flown it much the past few months, very disgusted with the updating, and the whole situation, My P3A, in my opinion flys as well or better than the Inspire , the Inspire is only 2 mile an hour faster and really is not as smooth as the phantom.   I am using app. 2.42 ,  Have they removed the Geo fencing?  Was that in the 2.6 app.?  Or was the geo fencing in the 1.6 firmware upgrade and if I upgrade am I stuck with the Geo fencing and no place to fly.  The little towns around had dirt runways not used since drug running days we are in no fly  zones,  practically overlapping .  When I looked on the sight when the geo fencing came out it made me physically ill,  I quit upgrading and somewhat lost interest in the whole thing.  Let alone having lost the 32 channels that my inspire had when I bought it I live in the New Mexico mountains in the middle of no where for the most part but all of the forest around me was in a warning zone,  practically the only place to fly was on my own property.  With reduced 8 channels of interference that was in one of the DJI downgrades I no longer trust DJI, Its like dealing with a lawyer or politician.  it would take a miracle of technology to get me back as a customer.   I will stick with 1.5  on my phantom and likely sell my Inspire, I have bought every phantom that has come out and the Inspire, I have thoroughly enjoyed everyone of them until now.  I understand the P4 has 32 channels as the Inspire once had, that I payed for, and now only have because of a hack.  That is absolutely insane that DJI did this and then offer the P4 with 32 channels You have got 2B Sh*&^&*!  me.  It has all become a bit stressful, never knowing what the next downgrade/upgrade,  convolution is going to be.  Should I upgrade?  If I lose my 32 channels I will be done and the machine will be unusable.  Does anyone know if the 32 ch. hack still works with the latest app and the 1.8 firmware ?  and is the geo fencing  as it was in the 2.42 and prior apps or is it insane leaving me with no place to fly as it was in the app after the 1.6 downgrade?
I have been out of the loop for the past few months, and I not sure if I even want to think about getting back into this crap, love hate relationship with a toy  
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Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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mtnmaddman Posted at 2016-4-8 20:58
HI Rich
Do you know, or does anyone know if the 32 channel hack for android works with the latest  ...

Hey Mtn....Man

Things are constantly changing and I hear what you are saying. DJI removed the 32 channels due to legal reasons I believe. I have not had near the trouble you are describing but and can answer some of your questions. First the Hack file still works with the latest firmware updates but I only use ISO Apple iPad / iPhone. Second, the P4 does not have 32 channels by default only the middle 8. So, not sure where this rumor started.  
Most all of the firmware updates are needed to keep the hardware up to date and bug fixes. the Go App runs all of my aircraft and OSMO nicely. Most all of my settings stay put (but I check them on my checklist every time I fly).

The 32 channel hack only works in custom mode (not auto) so you need to switch it over to custom mode and look for a strong video channel to use. Frankly I did not have any problems where I live with the reduced 8 channel set up. But I thought I would put the file in place incase I needed it for some reason. Most of the time I fly in Auto mode that only uses the 8 channels....

Don't give up on the Inspire 1, I think it out fly's the Phantom easily and especially in the wind. I own the P3P and now the P4 plus 2 inspires   (yah that is a lot of updating!)

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RichJ53 Posted at 2016-4-9 06:26
Hey Mtn....Man

Things are constantly changing and I hear what you are saying. DJI removed the 32  ...

Hi Rich

I messed up and updated my RC befor i updated the AC, Inspire 1....

Now im trying to downgrade the RC to get the Inspire out of travel mode for upgrade. But my downgrade window shows: No available firmware for downgrade.
I dont know which folder to place the firmware in, so they show up in the downgrade window? Or if it is even possible to fix :/

Any help will be greatly appriciated

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Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

724ready Posted at 2016-4-9 09:44
Hi Rich

I messed up and updated my RC befor i updated the AC, Inspire 1....

Sorry you are having trouble. I think the best solution is to just lower the landing gear manually. This is done underneath the lower body frame. Using a small flat bladed screw driver reach into the access hole on the underside (see photos) and turn the worm-gear drive by turing the screw driver.  this will take a lot of turing to see movement but it will come down eventually. Once the landing gear is down you can mount the camera and update the inspire 1 using the SD card.     

At least this way you do not have to mess around with the downgrading of the remote.


IMG_6967.JPG IMG_6966.JPG

I hope this helps you

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RichJ53 Posted at 2016-4-9 19:50
Sorry you are having trouble. I think the best solution is to just lower the landing gear manually ...

Thanks for the quick reply Rich

I tryed lowering the landing gear as you suggested. But the Inspire seems to be locked in travel mode.
Powering it only lights up the main indicator led Blue, theres no movement or fan noise from the camera.

I also noticed that my 'downgrade window' displays Equipment:N/A and Frimware Version:N/A.
Unlike your video where it states the versions.

The Inspire has been in hibernation since december, so not sure which fw version i had befor updating the RC, mabye 1.5

Guess the hard leasson here... ALWAYS update Aircraft, befor controller
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Flight distance : 775965 ft
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United States

Hello is anyone available? I went to fly my p3p and it gave me a RC firmware needed upgrading! I downloaded and installed the newest firmware on my mobile device hooked to my rc, said everything was a success. Restarted rc as prompted, fired up drone and now I constantly get rc signal lost!! By looking on forum it says to downgrade firmware by holding graduate cap 5 seconds. I did this and it says there is no firmware to downgrade to. Please help asap
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United States

terrylewis Posted at 2016-4-8 14:21
Mount your mobile device on the RC and connect the cable.
Ensure you have internet connectivity wit ...

I get the same screen as I too am on 1.5.70 however I'm unable to find any other choice than downloading 1.5.80 which would update. How does this operation downgrade the firmware?
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Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

724ready Posted at 2016-4-9 11:52
Thanks for the quick reply Rich

I tryed lowering the landing gear as you suggested. But the Inspir ...

You put the SD card into the inspire camera with the latest firmware (BIN file) on the chip? then you powered on the Inspire 1 (only the aircraft) right? and you only get the blue LED? Remember do not turn on the remote. You are only trying to update the Inspire 1 using the SD Chip

I thought this would help you get the firmware to load.....

Anyone else comment on this issue?

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RichJ53 Posted at 2016-4-10 02:04
You put the SD card into the inspire camera with the latest firmware (BIN file) on the chip? then  ...

Jep followed DJI guidelines. RC off - bin file on the formated sd card. No activity from the camera. Inspire powers on normal - cooling fans comming on and the blue led.

Tryed it both with legs fully extented and at travel setting (level landinggear). I even tryed severel times adjusting 1/8th turn on the landgear adjustment screw, to see if there were a sweet spot where it would exit travel mode.

I've writen to DJI yesterday, but haven't head back yet.
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Flight distance : 45226 ft
United Kingdom

terrylewis Posted at 2016-4-8 19:21
Mount your mobile device on the RC and connect the cable.
Ensure you have internet connectivity wit ...

Thanks - this is worth noting for future reference - it also seems to apply to the Phantom 3 Pro -
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724ready Posted at 2016-4-9 18:44
Hi Rich

I messed up and updated my RC befor i updated the AC, Inspire 1....

Hi, I am having the same issue here. Exactly the same message on Android, the difference being my aircraft is in Flight mode and I can't connect with it, so it doesn't go out to Travel Mode. Also sent an email today to DJI Europe. No luck yet. Any luck on your side, there? Thanks!
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Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

724ready Posted at 2016-4-10 02:52
Jep followed DJI guidelines. RC off - bin file on the formated sd card. No activity from the camer ...

I forgot... did you try the manual downgrade from the USB stick? put the BIN file on the USB and then insert it into your remote

try this again and see if you can get your remote downgraded.... then connect to the inspire

donnie's link, but I am sure you have looked at this too

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mariolinux Posted at 2016-4-10 14:45
Hi, I am having the same issue here. Exactly the same message on Android, the difference being my  ...

No word yet, i'll post when/if I get a solution from DJI or my retailer.

Any sugestions on how to manually apply bin files to the App 'Downgrade Firmware' window. Or how to get it to recognize the current version... will be most welcome
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Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

dwoody0805 Posted at 2016-4-9 13:06
Hello is anyone available? I went to fly my p3p and it gave me a RC firmware needed upgrading! I dow ...

So,  did you update the P3 too? The BIN file would be dragged onto the SD card and then you turn on the P3 to finish the update.
Or just the controller?

If you updated everything then, maybe you just need to relink your RC to the P3 instead of downgrading.

Try relinking the RC

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724ready Posted at 2016-4-10 18:50
No word yet, i'll post when/if I get a solution from DJI or my retailer.

Any sugestions on how to ...

Hi 724ready, I have tried this solution from donnie and it worked for me. The RC started communicating with the Aircraft although is still says disconnected but might be due to the Samsung Note phone I am using with it, cause that also happened in the past. I will try tomorrow with an iPad, last time it worked. Here's donnies reply to my question:

"You need to get that RC updated as well, as Goodsoncy pointed out you must have theRC updated for it to work.  If the GO APP failed to update the RC, and you are stuck with the Blue Light on the RC please follow my link.  You will need a simple USB thumb drive  that you will plug into the port on the RC transmitter.  My technique should only be used when the go app method has failed.  Be sure to read my link from top to bottom, then simply download my 1.6 file to the thumb drive and  install to a Clean Formatted thumb drive .

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mariolinux Posted at 2016-4-10 19:30
Hi 724ready, I have tried this solution from donnie and it worked for me. The RC started communica ...

Thanks for the suggestion.

My retailer contacted me. I went down to the shop and we linked a non-updated controller to my Inspire. Entered flight mode, power off - Then, updated like normal. Works perfectly.

Side note: When i linked to my own controller it worked fine. But on the second boot-up the app dispalyed disconnected and i had no connection with the craft.

I opened 'Remote Controller Settings' in the app, and found that 'Set RC Function' was 'OFF'. Turned it to 'Master'. After a complete reboot (RC and AC) it connected normally.

Thought this might be helpfull.

Thanks for all the feed back
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Second Officer
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United States

724ready Posted at 2016-4-9 11:52
Thanks for the quick reply Rich

I tryed lowering the landing gear as you suggested. But the Inspir ...

Same state and tried the same thing.  App says no firmware to downgrade and Equipment and firmware read N/A.  I guess the Inspire doesn't know it's not in travem mode by mearly the leg positions (a pitty IMO).

I was able to downgrade the RC but only as far as 1.6.  I can link the RC but only get telemetry (no video).  Loading 1.5.8 on the SD card reports that the current firmware cannot be downgraded so I'm stuck.

Tagging along...
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

kenargo Posted at 2016-4-11 09:57
Same state and tried the same thing.  App says no firmware to downgrade and Equipment and firmware ...

The RC latest Update is 1.6.  so you did not rollback at all .When you try to rollback make sure you have a wireless internet connection.  

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United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-4-11 08:16
The RC latest Update is 1.6.  so you did not rollback at all .When you try to rollback make sure y ...

I thought the current firmware was 1.8?

I have an internet connection and have tried 2 different devices (Samsung Tablet and Galaxy S7 Edge) with cell internet and home Wi-Fi internet.  Same results, NA/NA.  Last night I tried a public Wi-Fi, same results.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

kenargo Posted at 2016-4-11 09:57
Same state and tried the same thing.  App says no firmware to downgrade and Equipment and firmware ...

We need to clarify a couple things to help you.  What version of firmware do you have on the aircraft right now ?1.7 or 1.8  .
Are you stuck because you updated the RC before the AC and  now are stuck ?

If so just rollback to 1.58 on the RC then move out of travel mode.  Then do the update of 1.80 on the aircraft and then update the RC to 1.60

1.5.8 is the last update to the RC.  1.60 is the current  RC update.    If you load 1.5.8 to the aircraft it is not going to know what to do wiht that data.  

You are not trying to update the RC with a SD card and  Thumb drive are you.  It can be done this way but you must have the correct FW to do so.  

Can you list on the about app all of your current versions for the
Go App.

If you list these, I can help you out on what to do.


You have the Inspire 1 correct or is it the PRO

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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

kenargo Posted at 2016-4-11 10:23
I thought the current firmware was 1.8?

I have an internet connection and have tried 2 different  ...

1.8 is for the aircraft only !!!

1.6 is the current for the RC.  They are not updated from the same file.!

1. Downgrade RC to 1.5.8 ( see other forum posts on this) or whatever version you had last to operate the system
2. Turn on AC
3. Exit Travel Mode (!) Hooray
4. Turn off  AC
5. Format SD Card (check for DCIM files first)
6. Put 1.8.00 bin file on it
7. Insert SD Card into Camera
8. Turn on AC
9. Let it go until it goes DD-D-D - about 15 mins
10. Restart AC
11. Start RC
12. Upgrade RC to 1.6

This is from Brad's post  from another  thread but makes perfect sense.  
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United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-4-11 08:27
We need to clarify a couple things to help you.  What version of firmware do you have on the aircra ...

I don't know what version of firmware I have in the aircraft because it isn't being reported but I likely have the latest version as of End of December (that's when I opened the box and tested everything).

When I try to downgrade using the GO app it tells me that there is no firmware to downgrade (same as the images above).  I also tried by loading the firmware on the USB stick (using a 1.5.80 bin) but it tells me the firmware cannot be downgraded.

When I open the GO app I only get details for the app (2.7.2), all other version details are N/A.

Yes, this is a plain Inspire 1
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Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

kenargo Posted at 2016-4-11 10:39
I don't know what version of firmware I have in the aircraft because it isn't being reported but I ...

You may have an older version of the RC.  Older than 1.5.  Also the file is special.

Did the file you loaded look like this EXACTLY C1_FW_V01.05.0080  

This file is ONLY FOR THE RC.  I think you are confused ( Often happens ) thinking that the RC and the Aircraft use the same versions of firmware.  They dont.  Some times the version numbers may match but they are still different.  Just like the Advanced and pro have the same version numbers but they are different data files.

WHERE did you get the file ?  If you would like  you can download this one.  Keep in mind the transmitter is off when you load ( then turn it on once it is connected to  rc tranmitter )  this and it may take up to 2-3 min to begin loading. Make sure the SD card thumb drive or whatever is formatted and the only bloody thing onit is this Bin file.  If this does not work, you may have to rollback to 1.3 spencial file.

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Second Officer
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United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-4-11 09:25
You may have an older version of the RC.  Older than 1.5.  Also the file is special.

Did the file  ...

Yes, that is the exact file I tried.

This is the result file:  ====================
Packet: /mnt/usb/C1_FW_V01.05.0080.bin,
Result: Aborted
The current firmware does not support downgrade. Use a different version of firmware to downgrade the target version.

I'll can try leaving it longer..
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

kenargo Posted at 2016-4-11 10:39
I don't know what version of firmware I have in the aircraft because it isn't being reported but I ...

Please try this file ( below links , they  are  different )  , it is a bit older and may be what originally was on your  RC .   Be sure to format the SD card or whatever device you use as the thumb drive , if you have 1.6 on the RC now this should work. I would try the 1.04 first and see if that matches your  aircraft and get it out of travel mode and then go to 1.5.7 if the 1.04 does not work.
     You have not done anything to the aircraft correct ?  One of these should work .  I am going way back in the vault for these.  
TIPS :  make sure to format the Sd card for the RC.....Rc is off when you load theUSB drive, then turn it may take a couple min to start, give it time.  It will beep when dowloading and stop beeping and be quiet  when pilot said the light turned green. ( I am not sure it would turn green )  just wait a bit, and then check for success.

read my tutorial on how to do the RC Bricked so you know the process .

Once we get the RC rolled back to the last version, we are going to get the aircraft out of travel mode and then load 1.8 to the aircraft and then update the RC.   to 1.8

do not use a MAC to format the SD card .

http://download.dji-innovations. ... _FW_V01.04.0030.bin

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Flight distance : 77434 ft
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THNKSS !!!!!!!!!

http://download.dji-innovations. ... _FW_V01.04.0030.bin

WORK FOR ME !!!!!!!!!!
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Trying the downgrade of the RC following these steps. The thumb drive i use would not start anything even after 10 minutes. Already tried with 1.4 amd 1.5.7 and 1.5.8. The downgrade simply won't start. Shall i change usb key? Btw it never worked before either
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United States

P3P version 1.8
RC version 1.6
App version 2.7.2

I have the issue of a limp gimbal after 10 seconds of boot up, along with no video feed.
I've tried EVERY solution under the sun, however, I've been trying to downgrade the RC and holding down on the Graduation hat pulls up the menu where is says
"No available firmware for downgrade." Yes, I've reinstalled the app numerous times to be disappointed.
I've tried manual downgrade via formatting a usb stick and putting a 1.5 on there and putting it in the RC, then booting it. Nothing happens, not even after 10 minutes.
It's as if the RC doesn't recognize there is a usb stick there.
Any input?
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United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-4-11 10:35
1.8 is for the aircraft only !!!

1.6 is the current for the RC.  They are not updated from the sam ...

You are a life saver,

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Flight distance : 239977 ft

RichJ53 Posted at 2016-4-9 07:41
There is a video showing this process on one of the other posts. I will put the link here:

https: ...

Thanks very RichJ53.
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Flight distance : 22530 ft
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United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2016-4-9 10:50
Sorry you are having trouble. I think the best solution is to just lower the landing gear manually ...

Rich very cool to know thanks for the tip.
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Flight distance : 1861201 ft
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United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-4-11 12:05
Please try this file ( below links , they  are  different )  , it is a bit older and may be what or ...

Hi Donnie maybe you can answer something for me ,  I have the P3P and I recently up dated from 1.6 and jumped straight to 1.8 all I have did so far it's test fly it in the front yard up-and-down forwards and backwards and side to side everything worked good ,  except I might need to recalibrate the Imu.. There was a tiny bit of toilet bowl affect to wear as 1.6 was absolutely rocksolid did not budge .. But my real question is has DJI turned down the output power on the RC or something I keep hearing about this but I don't have any definite proof as I haven't flown my bird other than just in the front yard and if so would downgrading fix that .. Thanks so much
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

2thumbsup@front Posted at 2016-5-8 12:55
Hi Donnie maybe you can answer something for me ,  I have the P3P and I recently up dated from 1. ...

2 thumbs up, I do not believe DJI has turned down the power at all.  We all want the Fastest, Farthest most powerful everything , it is Human Nature and Hobbyist are especially prone to this .

I have had My DJI products for close to a year now and My overall range has not changed one bit.  I go to one special spot and fly the exact same route after each update, I have never lost video or RC signal and any less distance from each upgrade.  I personally get over 15,500 feet of range.  I think when pilots have troubles it is due to the environment where there  flying ,  ie:  a lot of RC interference ( 2.4 ghz - routers, phones )  or poor , antenna technique, weak batteries  etc.  

Just take your time and build your confidence, I have been flying 25 + years of RC, from sailplanes to 1/4 scale , warbirds, helicopters and now GPS guided Aircraft with telemetry and video.  It is the most amazing time to be in RC, you can make this hobby as simple or complicated as you wish.  

That toilet bowl effect can be eliminated by turning down the gains ( If you wish) Remeber the higher the numbers in expo and gain , the more sensitive the Aircraft response  and of course the lower numbers give just the opposite effect, it is up to you to find that sweet spot, I personally find the Gains are to sensitive (  factory settings )  and can cause that toilet bowl effect.  Just lower the gains and expo in 5 to 10% increments and get it to where you like it.  Have fun !

***When making changes to expo and gains the Aircraft - Transmitter - go app must all be on, then after you make the setting changes be shure to shut down in this order so they lock,  1- turn off aircraft 2- turn off  transmitter 3 - turn off   device with go app( I pad or whatever.)  And when firing up to fly: 1-  Turn on Transmitter  2- turn on aircraft 3 - turn on go app last, device can be on but open go app last.  

This is what works for me, I never have problems updating, flying, reception, flight time, problems etc.  

Also ALWAYS  update the IMU, camera gimbal and Compass after a Firmware update, it is MANDATORY for effective flight control.  

Cheers - donnie   

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Flight distance : 1861201 ft
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United States

Donnie Posted at 2016-5-8 11:13
2 thumbs up, I do not believe DJI has turned down the power at all.  We all want the Fastest, Fart ...

Thanks Donnie.. i always do the above mentioned in that order and i have a special adjustable platform to do the calibrations from.. and everything is perfectly flat when i do the IMU etc. but. i had forgot that i had turned down.. or at least i hope it was for the get smoother pans.. is there a quick reset back to factory defaults ?  i hope so as i wouldn't remember the settings , also as a side note...  the farthest I have flown was about 1700 ft. out over the ocean off the Oregon coast

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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

2thumbsup@front Posted at 2016-5-8 15:25
Thanks Donnie.. i always do the above mentioned in that order and i have a special adjustable platf ...

    2 T U , There are some resets available on the go app  but not for all, what I have done in the past is load the Go app on another device and then just copy them, or on the Apple I pad's you can simply take a screen shot of each page so you know what the default values or your desired values are, just be sure to go up or down in small increments ( 5-10 % max )  so that you  do not get a  overly  sensitive or mushy aircraft.

Sometimes the easiest way to reset is to just delete and re- install the go app.  Then I take about 15 minutes and re - enter my settings, after you have been at this a bit, you will know by heart the default values and your own "Sweet Spot " settings.

Have fun- donnie

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