 First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States
2 thumbs up, I do not believe DJI has turned down the power at all. We all want the Fastest, Farthest most powerful everything , it is Human Nature and Hobbyist are especially prone to this .
I have had My DJI products for close to a year now and My overall range has not changed one bit. I go to one special spot and fly the exact same route after each update, I have never lost video or RC signal and any less distance from each upgrade. I personally get over 15,500 feet of range. I think when pilots have troubles it is due to the environment where there flying , ie: a lot of RC interference ( 2.4 ghz - routers, phones ) or poor , antenna technique, weak batteries etc.
Just take your time and build your confidence, I have been flying 25 + years of RC, from sailplanes to 1/4 scale , warbirds, helicopters and now GPS guided Aircraft with telemetry and video. It is the most amazing time to be in RC, you can make this hobby as simple or complicated as you wish.
That toilet bowl effect can be eliminated by turning down the gains ( If you wish) Remeber the higher the numbers in expo and gain , the more sensitive the Aircraft response and of course the lower numbers give just the opposite effect, it is up to you to find that sweet spot, I personally find the Gains are to sensitive ( factory settings ) and can cause that toilet bowl effect. Just lower the gains and expo in 5 to 10% increments and get it to where you like it. Have fun !
***When making changes to expo and gains the Aircraft - Transmitter - go app must all be on, then after you make the setting changes be shure to shut down in this order so they lock, 1- turn off aircraft 2- turn off transmitter 3 - turn off device with go app( I pad or whatever.) And when firing up to fly: 1- Turn on Transmitter 2- turn on aircraft 3 - turn on go app last, device can be on but open go app last.
This is what works for me, I never have problems updating, flying, reception, flight time, problems etc.
Also ALWAYS update the IMU, camera gimbal and Compass after a Firmware update, it is MANDATORY for effective flight control.
Cheers - donnie