Flight distance : 165105 ft
After I did the update to the drone, I checked for the file in the computer and Success was evident.
I removed the text file, but left the bin file on my sd card to check with a second battery. Ah, nothing.
Then put the first battery back in, fired everything up, and formatted the card. When I notice it says Phantom needs update. What?
So I shut it down, and turned it on again. Now the RC update was ready to download, from the app. So we did that, loaded it, and there she goes.
That was easy... ;-)
Seeing the error that the drone needed a firmware update, when I already had it loaded, seemed odd.
Why didn't it just say, your RC needs an update, instead? Avoid the mild confusion and state of bewilderment. ;-)
The more sylables you use, will always makes it seem more urgent, and descriptive. Ha
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