Update 1.8.1 kills bird!
2470 15 2016-4-9
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Flight distance : 405659 ft

Thought I would share my experience with the current update version Before going in to it best to cover the basic questions - YES full battery; YES correct bin file at root with nothing else on card; YES controllers off.
Woke up feeling lucky and decided to install latest update. I had kept an eye on folk having issues and whilst there were some, most had none at all. So off I went doing the happy dance as the magic DDDD-DDDD-DDDD-DDDD rang out but then the moment of sadness arrived when it all ended with DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD!

Tried again but failure occurred within minutes. Reformated card, downloaded update again but still no joy. Thought I would try a different battery in case this was the issue - now the update kills the battery!!  By the end, battery power indicator lights are dead and battery will not power off. Had to just pull the battery out to switch off inspire.

Contacted DJI chat and they looked at the logs.  They have told me the update has caused problems with the aircraft, battery and video modules.  Possibly the gimbal has failed as a result and the last battery used is now kar-poot.

The update process is not rocket science - copy a bin file to the root directory of sd card, place in gimbal and power on aircraft. So my big question is "HOW THE @#$% IS THIS POSSIBLE?" How can an update work for so many but the same update installed in the same fashion can cause so many issues. It makes no sense to me. Hopefully there are some folk out there that may have an answer.....espcially the good people at DJI.

Testing can be done locally here in Melbourne BUT if the gimbal is cooked as well, it will have to be sent back to China for repairs and this involves a 7-8 week turn around. If this is the case then surely DJI should authorise an immediate exchange as this situation has been created by their update. Updates for me are like being present at your first childs birth - you just hope it all works out ok!

I will update you all as to the end result of this saga. All thoughts on this are appreciated!

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Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

I am sorry you are having issues.
When you said chat looked at the logs, did the look at the TXT file or the hidden log file.
If they only looked at the TXT file, please post the hidden log file of the SD card. If you have already formatted the card, download the firmware again and reattempt the firmware then get the hidden log file.
Below are instructions

Windows system :
http://windows.microsoft.com/en- ... den-files=windows-7
Mac system :
http://ianlunn.co.uk/articles/qu ... mac-os-x-mavericks/
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Flight distance : 1997861 ft

No issues on my end... Weird your experience was bad.
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Flight distance : 405659 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-10 15:25
I am sorry you are having issues.
When you said chat looked at the logs, did the look at the TXT fil ...

Hi Ken, they looked at txt file and the log. Result from the log was issues with the battery and video transmission module after updating. Cannot understand what has happened here Ken
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Flight distance : 405659 ft

Cabralkev Posted at 2016-4-10 15:50
No issues on my end... Weird your experience was bad.

Hi Cabralkev, I am jealous! Updates for last 6 months all good until now. Weird is definitely the word to describe what has occurred.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

Wolfman Posted at 2016-4-10 18:32
Hi Ken, they looked at txt file and the log. Result from the log was issues with the battery and v ...

Ok so tbelow is what you saw for the video transmission module?If so, ti seems that the firmware has corrupted your video transmission module. The battery I'm not sure.
Regardless, it will still need to come in for repair, I am sorry about that.For a last ditch effort, you can try downgrading the aircraft to 1.7 and then read the hidden log to see if it fixes it. Chances are it will not but it doesn't hurt to try.
In the slim chance it does, then downgrade the RC to 1.5.8 then power everything up to see if you have video signal. If you do, then start all over again and update the aircraft first then RC and see what happens.

00265557]Version checking[2]...
[00265610][01 00][00] v2.47.4492 -> v2.47.4492
[00265666][01 01][00] v2.47.4492 -> v2.47.4492
[00265750][03 05][00] v34.1.0.5 -> v34.1.0.5
[00265830][03 06][05] v2.4.10.7 -> v2.4.10.7
[00265894][04 00][00] v1.29.0.51 -> v1.29.0.51
[00266010][05 00][00] v3.0.6.2 -> v3.0.6.2
[00278563][08 00][00] device not detected.
[00278629][09 00][00] v1.8.0.0 -> v1.8.0.0
[00278728][11 00][00] v3.8.15.4 -> v3.8.15.4
[00278928][12 00][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00279048][12 01][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00279148][12 02][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00279248][12 03][00] v1.11.0.0 -> v1.11.0.0
[00291813][15 00][00] device not detected.
[00291887][17 00][00] v1.1.0.4 -> v1.1.0.4
[00292008][17 01][00] v2.0.1.2 -> v2.0.1.2
[00292081][19 00][00] v1.0.8.96 -> v1.0.8.96
[00292136]Packet upgrade failed at version checking.

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First Officer
Flight distance : 3636782 ft
United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-10 10:23
Ok so tbelow is what you saw for the video transmission module?If so, ti seems that the firmware ha ...

Ken , been a interesting weekend,!!!! .Do you know of any fix for the folks that are updating the RC before the AC?  Then they must be trying to connect to the AC, causing the Camera  Locks up on Inspire.  I have told most to wait till Sunday Night or Monday when more eyes are on the Challenge.

I guess my advise to always update the AC first and not RC was proved correct !  ( I Know, most of the time not an issue )

Have a good remainder of the weekend - donnie  
**** Also did you have time to install the Day Vue ?  I am holding off until I try the Hoodman because It looked like it can maybe darken the screen.  
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Flight distance : 2717 ft

Just updated to to 1.8...guess that 100.00 expansion module for phantom 3 was completely useless as I can't get a pic on my fatshark googles that I just paid 350.00 for...why is this so hard?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4112812 ft

This feels like a situation where there should have been a USB port out on any device that needs updating so you can of
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4112812 ft

This lookslike a situation where there should have been a USB port put on every part of the device that has the potential to be updated and all be done from a central program. Can't understand how this stuff is allowed to happen with such expensive equipment
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United States

steveouth123 Posted at 2016-4-10 17:04
Just updated to to 1.8...guess that 100.00 expansion module for phantom 3 was completely useless as  ...

go to hd section on your remote with everything running and turn on the display simulcast  check both 60 and 50 hz see which works
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Donnie Posted at 2016-4-10 23:33
Ken , been a interesting weekend,!!!! .Do you know of any fix for the folks that are updating the R ...

On the Inspire, try deleting and reinstalling the app.
I'll be back at work in the morning and we all should have some answers.

Ans also, downgrade the RC to 1.5.8 and then update the aircraft first.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-10 20:17
On the Inspire, try deleting and reinstalling the app.
I'll be back at work in the morning and we  ...

on one of the other countless threads where they updated the remote first,  I told him to downgrade the remote using the App and USB, but he did not have any luck.
I tried instructing him to manually lower the landing gear using the screw underneath the aircraft to see if he could update the Inspire. He said it didn't work and only gave him the blue LED.  So I was lost on trying to help him.

For some reason this update was very difficult for many users. DJI should stick to a single method to update the firmware and not keep changing the rules...   

I updated my Inspire 1 V1 , P3P, P4, plus 12 batteries total. I have one more Inspire V2 1 to update, but have not had time to mess with it.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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RichJ53 Posted at 2016-4-11 11:53
on one of the other countless threads where they updated the remote first,  I told him to down ...

i agree, there was aircraft and RC firmware updates for all P3'a and Inspires all on the same day. This week we'll get a handle on it.Also deleting and reinstalling the app may work too.
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Flight distance : 405659 ft

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-4-11 01:23
Ok so tbelow is what you saw for the video transmission module?If so, ti seems that the firmware ha ...

Hi Ken,

I have already tried installing 1.7 without success. After communicating with DJI via chat, have managed to resurrect the Inspire as well as the battery by re-installing the software with a different gimbal. As for the gimbal, I think the technical term for it is KARRR-PUT !

So best case scenario is approx 7 weeks with no gimbal. Not exactly the best result from a software update. I asked many times during my online chat as to how this can occur but never got an answer.

The big question Ken - Can you shed any light as to what has happened here and should this be a concern to all of us with regards to every update we perform???

Also of concern to me was the fact that DJI told me that this would not be a warranty case if the unit was outside of the 12 month warranty period. How can this be the case if it is the update that has caused the issue ?
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Flight distance : 405659 ft

Wolfman Posted at 2016-4-11 14:55
Hi Ken,

I have already tried installing 1.7 without success. After communicating with DJI via cha ...

Hi Ken

seeing you followed this, any ideas on the situation?

So where do we all stand if the software update causes issues as I have experienced and the Inspire is older than 12 months ?? From what was relayed to me during live chat, it will only be covered if the inspire is under 12 months old.

Regards Wolfman
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