grey moth
United Kingdom
So i got the lightbridge a while ago and recently after much experimentation got it working with my phantom 2, and i works good witht he gopro in almost all video modes. so then i tried to get it working with my s900 and zenmuse HD gimbal, when I connect it all up, the controls seem to work and have configured them for dual operator in the lb and a2 software, they all work and so does camera operator controls, however the video light on the air side shows red and, there is video coming through to the hdmi but it is very pixellated, distorted and intermittent. is there some setting in the gh4 or the LB that needs to be configured for good quality video, have tried, smooth, realtime, full hd, all the same problems, also other monitors, and different referesh rates with no luck. any help would be appreciated, so frustrating the more expensive equipment has a worse image.
A2 S900 zenmuse z15 HD GH4 Lightbridge, all most recent firmware updates.