United Kingdom
Neither will mine.
It all has a familiar ring to it. When I bought the handle kit, the delivery time was advertised as 5-7 working days. 2 weeks later, after still not having received it, it said 25-30 working days. In December, when it still hadn't arrived, the DJI people went through the whole rigmarole of asking for your order number....those within the 30 days were told it as not due to arrive yet, whilst those - like me - where that BS wouldn't wash, were told 'The handle kit is in short supply, owing to high demand...' yaddi yadda, when in truth neither a SINGLE person, nor dealer had received one.
I will, no doubt, be relieved that this whole stressful situation has finally come to an end after over 7 months, but i would be a fool to have faith in any DJI promises, when not ONE of them has EVER been honoured in the same way as it was prescribed.
This is CLEARLY why the DJI staff are all trained to repeat the mantra 'It is coming soon. Bear with us. Have some faith.' They themselves are powerless to offer anything concrete - I get that, and I salute them. They are on the front line of everyone's ire, fending off questions, with no answers.
I would sell my gear tomorrow, but it would only add insult to injury, as i would stand to lose hundreds of pounds if i did.
I just need an end to this whole sorry affair, and be wise to DJIs sales spiel next time.
They sell dreams, to get ahead of the competition, waaaay before they become a reality.
Any future purchases will be made only after I know people are already receiving them.