United States
I am attempting flights that are originating from a locale rich in magnetic interference. I cannot avoid the environs and the source of the metal is a lot of rebar in concrete and steel plating (a simulated ship deck). All of it is at, or below ground level.
I can find a gravel area off to the side to calibrate the compass, but when I relocate to my desired base of operations and homepoint, I'm in the thick of it..... at least at ground level. When the P3 is held about 4 or 5 feet above the ground, my GPS locks in and everything looks great.
I have a workaround for my landings. I have practiced a catch-retrieval with colleague.... so once airborne, the P3 will never get closer than 8 to 10 feet from the ground.
My question is... so long as I achieve a good compass calibration and maintain a safe altitude above the ground, should my GPS and navigation be trustworthy?