Flight distance : 126804 ft
I, for one, don't get the idea of "use DJI battery ONLY". Oh, and saying that you should only use premium gas because you have an expensive/luxury/import is just plain wrong. Let me explain...
First of all, it is my drone. I paid for it, I own it and it's up to me what battery I want to use. I might want to strap a whole bunch of batteries on it to get some extreme flight time and it's really my business. I own this toy and I want to be able to play with it (without breaking the law). I used to own a P2V+ and I had three batteries for it. OEM that came with the drone 5200mAh, aftermarket 5400mAh and another aftermarket with an OLED screen that displayed a whole bunch of useful info. After numerous flights all I could say is that the OEM one was the worst one. It provided the least flight time and I just didn't like it from day one. The 5400mAh knockoff was much better with a lot longer flight time and came in at number two. The battery with the OLED screen provided the longest flight time and best performance along with some very useful features like capacity, cell voltage, discharge current, charge current, remaining time until full, flight time etc. I loved it and I was hoping I will get one just like it for the P3.
A friend of mine is still using all those batteries and he is very happy with the aftermarket ones. They are close to two years old now and are still performing a lot better that the OEM one.
If it's a matter of warranty then it's easy to determine what battery was used from the flight logs and if the problem was caused by the battery. DJI might even include a disclaimer that your warranty will expire the moment you use an aftermarket battery... and guess what, I would still use one!
I'm very much disappointed in the fact that DJI is locking us to OEM batteries which are not the best out there but come at a premium just because it is a genuine DJI product. I'd rather use higher quality knockoffs that are cheaper only because they don't have the DJI logo. Thank you very much.
Premium gas:
It's a myth that gets repeated over and over that "premium" gas is really premium. IT IS NOT. It's simply meant to be used in different engines but it is not better. It depends on type of engine, its design, engine tuning, compression and so on. Generally larger, lower compression engines use lower octane rating fuels while high performance and high compression engines use higher octane rating. So, just because someone has an expensive luxury car doesn't automatically mean he has to use premium. If that engine was designed to use 87 that is what should be used. Anything more is just a waste of money that puts an even bigger smile on the faces of the oil companies.
Don't get fooled by the advertising companies trying to convince people into thinking that regular (87 octane) is somewhat inferior to premium (93). It is not, it's just different and meant for different engines. As a side note with worth mentioning that the lower the octane rating the higher the energy content. This means that the same volume of regular 87 has more energy in it than the same exact volume of premium 93.
So, yes, I do prefer aftermarket batteries that are of higher quality than OEM and I do use lowest grade gas that my engine was designed for. It's in the manual, read it and you might be surprised that you've been wasting money all those years. ;)