Flight distance : 271837 ft
Y'all are crazy not monitoring your batteries while charging due to being asleep. Charging heats up the battery causing a chemical reaction and that's when lipo batteries are most likely to blow due to many factors like a manufacture defects and other factors that could cause thermal runaway. Lipo batteries are dangerous, when you stop respecting them is when you will end up with a burnt down home.
Many people have lost their homes by not monitoring their lipo's during charging, many sad sad videos on YouTube.
Even seen Phantom 2/3 batteries catch fire, IMO no lipo is immune to thermal runaway, yes it's less likley then the old dumb lipo's but the risk is still there, this is why my lipos are charged in a 50 cal military ammo contatiner with a few holes drilled due to it being air tight (vent pressure during thermal runaway, if you dont drill then you just made a small bomb ) I also put the batteries in lipo bags from teamblacksheep and then in the .50cal box to store them. IMO not worth gambling your life and home. The batteries are in the most stable the colder they are, make sure not to leave them in a hot car or you will end up with a burnt car. |