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Inspire 1 Pro X5 Color Space Recommendations
3749 5 2016-5-1
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Flight distance : 2303 ft
Puerto Rico

Hey all,

I had read previously that the LOG color space for the Zenmuse X5 camera wasn't ready for primetime yet. I have not used my drone since the last update and I have 2 days of filming aerials ahead of me in a very lush and tropical rainforest area in Puerto Rico. I mention the location because the details on the ground are going to be incredibly rich in detail and therefor could be very rich in noise. I would love to get some feedback from the community on what camera settings you would recommend. Is the LOG space ready? Have they fixed the noise issue in the latest update?

I will be shooting in the wide version of 4k @24p and then downsizing to 1080p in post.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 22822654 ft
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There are folks who shoot in Log and then grade. Honestly, I've tried that and the results on the X5 (for nature shots) aren't better than shooting AWB, None. Unless you want to put some special effects tint or something, I don't see it being worth the trouble. With the X5R, its a different ball game but that rig has 10bit with 4:4:4 chroma subsampling. There you can really pull things out and play around with the image. Longer and more complex workflow though.

Here is a partial frame grab from a X5 4K video without any color correction. I'm happy. Pay attention to the fine detail of the dead tree and the latitude from the dark parts of the forest to the lighter leaves. Most of the X5 critics either don't own it or use gear costing far far more.

Cropped UHD frame from a X5

Cropped UHD frame from a X5
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4112812 ft

That was taken using D-log?

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Flight distance : 501250 ft

Mike-the-cat Posted at 2016-5-1 23:09
There are folks who shoot in Log and then grade. Honestly, I've tried that and the results on the X5 ...

Looking good
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For landscapes, video settings I use are the 2K @ 30fps, 0-1-2, Color: none or D-Cinelike (never D-Log) WB: either leave at Custom 5,000K or set the WB based on what you see while in flight to get the most accurate color, I use MOV for the wrapper, I shoot in Manual or Shutter Priority and use 1/60 or maybe a step  up when there will be heavy motion (fast flight, etc.), ISO: 200 always, I have a tendency to shoot a tad bit underexposed (-3 or -7).  This gives me the most dynamic range the X5 or X5R is capable of producing.  Any add help please ask and I will respond asap. These settings give me the most latitude when color grading or color correcting.  Can I come?
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 22822654 ft
  • >>>

Mike9129 Posted at 2016-5-2 01:40
That was taken using D-log?

AWB, None, Default sharpening.
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