Flight distance : 534970 ft
Hi Advocate
I may be wrong, but I don't think DJI have a regular code release train/window.
A lot of companies release code either when a major bug needs to be quashed, a number of bugs have been fixed or on release of major functionality. So it's not always possible to accurately forecast how often a fw is released.
Whilst all the above/irregular fw release is normal practise, majority of the releases are always accompanied by detailed release notes that list exactly what has been fixed, changed, removed and known issues including workarounds. That is the practise followed by professional development groups and individuals.
Unfortunately I have never seen detailed release notes accompanying any FW release from DJI. I sincerely hope they change that for the better.
As a growing company playing with the big boys and forming partners with the likes of Apple, they will sooner or later need to have a robust and tightly controlled Dev, Test and Release cycle. It would greatly benefit them and end users if they did it sooner rather then later. I look forward to that day. |