New FW450 kit. parts don't match tutorial videos
1953 3 2016-5-14
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Total copter noob here.  Thanks for any help.  Have a FW450 kit with NAZA-M lite controller

1. The receiver is a "Radio Link R9D"  Can't fnd it in any instructions or videos.  How do I connect it to the NAZA-M Lite?  Why are there two of them?

2. The VU unit has an "X3" connector but no "LED" connector.  Is that okay? Why?

3. There are two wires I assume are for the battery connection but no "XT60" plug?  Where is it supposed to be?

-- Art

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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

It seems that the images you loaded aren't coming through. It would be great to see where you are thus far and it would definitely help with clarifying your first and second question. I have not heard of the R9D receiver before, is it a PPM, Traditional or DBus receiver?

If you have not been able to locate it, I have attached the Naza Lite manual that has diagrams on the wire connection for the Flight Controller and your RC/Receiver combo of choice. ... Manual_v2.00_en.pdf

Here is a video on the basic soldering connections for the F450 Frame, which also shows you where to solder the battery power connections.

A stand alone Naza Lite package does not normally come with the power connections (XT60, Deans etc.) because it would be up to you as to which one you want to use.

I hope this is a decent start and look forward to seeing any visuals you can provide to give you better guidance.
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United States

DJI-Jamie Posted at 2016-5-16 19:08
It seems that the images you loaded aren't coming through. It would be great to see where you are th ...

Thank you.  It's odd you don't see the pictures.  Is that still true?  I can see them without logging in and from a different computer.

The NAZA-Lite user manual does not reference "Radio Link" Receivers or the VU unit that I have, only Futaba, HiTec, and JR.  I figured out that 1,2,3,4 maps to A,E,T,R, respectively but I am at a loss to know what the "2/3 position swtich channel" would be on the receiver.  Is this like the press "any" key that computer tech support people deal with?

The VU unit that I have has no LED connection.  The manual says "make sure you can see the LED in flight"  The VU unit I have DOES conform to the picture on NAZA-M Lite product page at DJI.COM.  It also lacks the LED connection cable.  I do not see a "remote LED" module in my kit.

I both the FlameWheel as a "complete kit" including the airframe, NAZA-M Lite, battery, charger and transmitter.  So I would assume the  power connector would be included.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 112405 ft
United States

artbrau Posted at 2016-5-28 02:22
Thank you.  It's odd you don't see the pictures.  Is that still true?  I can see them without logg ...

Unfortunately, when I attempt to review the photos, they appear as the following:
thumbnail issue.JPG

I'm unsure as to how you had uploaded the pictures, however, you would be able to add pictures via the Advanced button, confirm, then hit Participation.

The sample receivers in the manual show you the examples of how to connect a Traditional, PPM or DBus/SBus receiver. I looked up the receiver and it seems that it should say Sbus on it. Based on that, you should connect it to the Naza Lite as a DBus. You should read the manual for your receiver/RC combination in order to know what channels belong to which switch in order to program properly. In the Naza Lite Assistant Software, the only programming of the receiver is to simply know which receiver type you're using in order to recognize the connection.

Regarding the 2/3 position switch, the instructions in the manual are saying that you should have either a 2 position switch (no GPS connection) or a 3 position switch (with GPS connection) available on your RC in order use the Mode (U) channel. You still have to program these channels respectively via the RC itself.

The Naza Lite had two versions. The oldest version's VU (VSen) had the LED and USB connection attached. The newest version had the LED and USB connection separated from the actual VU unit. I have supplied pictures for your reference:

Naza Lite V1.JPG   Version 1 Naza Lite v2.JPG   Version 2

If you have the 1st version, then you would follow the diagram on the Naza Lite Manual. If you have the newest version, the separate red LED component would go into the top LED connection on the Main Controller, while the VU unit is connected to the X3 port.

As previously stated, the standard DJI Flight Controller Kit does not come with the battery connectors (XT60, Deans etc.) If you bought this kit from a dealer as a package, they could have supplied those connectors for you. If their package did not include power connections, then you could go back to your dealer to have them supplied or to purchase. Power connections that you can solder to the hot and ground wires are quite inexpensive and tend to be sold in bulk.
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