http://www.developpement-durable ... es_2015_VFF_web.pdf
Do you speak French? It translates to this:
Ensuring the safety of people, property and other aircraft is the operators (pilots) responsibility. 1. I do not fly over people I use my quadcopter carefully without endangering persons and nearby vehicles. I will not overfly them and will maintain a minimum distance for safety. I will avoid flying near any gathering of people. 2. I always fly my quadcopter below an altitude of 500 feet (150m) I will always respect the maximum flying altitude to avoid any risk of collision between my quadcopter and an aircraft and to maintain control. In any case, I will not begin a flight or I will interrupt an ongoing flight, if an aircraft is nearby. 3. I never lose visual contact with my quadcopter I keep my quadcopter within a distance that ensures easy visibility to the naked eye, and I keep it at all times in my field of vision. Immersion Flights (FPV) using vision goggles are only possible when a second person keeps the quadcopter in his field of vision and is able at any time to easily to take control of the quadcopter. 4. I do not fly my quadcopter over public spaces in urban areas In urban areas, flying over my personal property using a small quadcopter is
allowed subject to compliance with speed and a maximum height restrictions adapted to the environment (buildings, trees), to limit the risk in case of loss of control. Under any circumstances, I do not fly my quadcopter over busy roads. 5. I do not fly my quadcopter near airfields I do not use my quadcopter near any airfield that accommodates airplanes, helicopters, gliders,ULM, etc. The minimum distance restriction is about 5 km, and can reachs 15 km for major airfields.(i.e. with runways longer than 1200 m). 6. I do not fly over strategic sites Flying over some strategic sites and their surrounding area is banned. This is the case, for example, for nuclear power plants,
military installations, historic monuments, or nature reserves and national parks. I obtain information on the location of such sites before undertaking a flight nearby. 7. I do not fly my quadcopter at night To ensure the safety of aircraft flying at low altitudes such as evacuation helicopters, French regulations prohibit the use of quadcopters at night, even if they are equipped with lights. 8. I respect the privacy of others The people in my flight path must be informed, especially if my quadcopter
is equipped with a camera or other sensor capable of recording personal data. I inform those present, I answer their questions and I respect their right to privacy. I do not record any images allowing recognition of individuals (faces, license plates …) without their permission. 9. I do not distribute any images, commercially or not, without the consent of the persons concerned Any image distribution must be subject to authorization by the persons concerned or the owner for a private space (home, garden, etc.) and must comply with current legislation (notably the French law of 6 January 1978 « Informatique et Libertés »).
Any use of quadcopters for the acquisition of images for commercial or professional exploitation is subject to specific requirements of the French Aviation Administration.
For more information on this subject: http://www.developpementdurable. ... -des-activites.html (French only) 10. When in doubt, I make inquiries. Regulatory References:
Decree of 11 April 2012 on the use of airspace by unmanned aircraft
Decree of 11 April 2012 relating to the design of unmanned civil aircraft , the conditions of use and required capabilities of the people who use them.