Gimbal problem - My P4 became useless for cinematography - VIDEO
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3905 57 2016-5-15
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Flight distance : 504692 ft
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United States

Like most P4 owners I have the same problem. Gimbal randomly is tilting right or left. It makes P4 useless for cinematographers. I love my P4 but  unfortunately  it is obvious that DJI does not even try to fix it, and ignores our messages. I tried to film commercial and it ruined my shooting which was a lot of problem for me then. Because people did a lot of expenses for preparations, models, car rent etc. and everything was ruined because of DJI. They even do not confirm that they have this problem and are trying to fix it. My disappointment is growing everyday. So nice product which is useless, and is laying on the shelf because of careless service. I regret that I promoted DJI so much among my friends and convinced 3 of them to buy Phantom 4.

Despite DJI knows about the problem and heard thousand times about it, they continue to ask us to upload video as if they had never heard about it. But OK, I spent my time and uploaded it here, I even added music so that nobody was bored while watching.

I hope this problem will be resolved with update, but it seems like it is harware problem, as DJI is not responding.

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United States

Im not a professional photographer so just asking.......can't you straighten that out with software post processing?
I never noticed that problem with my P3A.   So I just went back a year or so and looked.    All the horizons in the videos look level.    Never updated it.

So I'm surprised they have tis problem at this stage in the game.

Then again, it's been said so many times......those who buy early are always beta testers.

I'm confident they will eventually correct it in a FW update.'s shoddy hardware???
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Flight distance : 504692 ft
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United States

Cessna172 Posted at 2016-5-15 21:54
Im not a professional photographer so just asking.......can't you straighten that out with software  ...

In some cases it is possible but in some not. Like for example if you are flying forward and tilting up at the same time, to get beautiful effect it would not be possible. Also, you loose resolution and wide angle.
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United States

ISA AYDIN Posted at 2016-5-16 09:57
In some cases it is possible but in some not. Like for example if you are flying forward and tilti ...

Hey, one other observation.....was that shot at 1080P ?

Videos I make from my P3A in similar illumination at 1080P and similar circumstances seem FAR more robust, clear and just better ????
I'm not knocking the P4 but I would be HIGHLY dissappointed in my P3A if it produced that video.   It looks hazy and washed out.

Maybe it's filters you're using?
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Flight distance : 145276 ft
United States

This is very relevant as I was testing the gimbal roll function today as I am experiencing the same issue on my Phantom. As shown in the video, the gimbal roll adjustment in flight yields the same results with me, the gimbal reverts back to being slanted 2-3 seconds after adjustments.

I REALLY hope DJI can fix this with the next firmware update hopefully coming up this month. They have acknowledged the issue and said they are investigating but that was almost two months ago. There is another thread started by a user requesting DJI recall the affected units and I couldn't tell you the scope of this issue among Phantom owners, but I am truly wishing for DJI to admit fault in this issue and either provide a fix or compensation for this issue.

Between this gimbal horizon issue and the sudden loss of altitude after coming to a stop after directional thrust and "possible range issues (maybe not?)", I just want these problems addressed and fix as soon as possible. My patience is thinning every week a fix is unavailable.
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United States

I wonder if people having these issues are AFTER updating?    Did you have this problem with the FW that came on the P4 ?

I highly recommend to everyone buying a Phantom to fly it a while first on the factory supplied FW and note any issues before they update.   That way you'll have a baseline to compare and you can know if it's FW or HW.
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Flight distance : 504692 ft
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United States

Cessna172 Posted at 2016-5-15 22:12
Hey, one other observation.....was that shot at 1080P ?

Videos I make from my P3A in similar illum ...

It is 4K and I used a lot of noise reduction. Thats the reason. Also P4 camera is far not the best but definitely P3 is not better. I have P3Pro also.
This video is to show gimbal problem, thats why I didnt care about clarity.
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Flight distance : 504692 ft
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United States

Cessna172 Posted at 2016-5-15 22:18
I wonder if people having these issues are AFTER updating?    Did you have this problem with the FW  ...

No definitely not. This problem occurred after last update.
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Flight distance : 504692 ft
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United States

DanielMyst777 Posted at 2016-5-15 22:14
This is very relevant as I was testing the gimbal roll function today as I am experiencing the same  ...

Same for me.
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Flight distance : 145276 ft
United States

Cessna172 Posted at 2016-5-15 22:18
I wonder if people having these issues are AFTER updating?    Did you have this problem with the FW  ...

I have had the slanted horizon gimbal issue since day 1 with the Phantom 4. I received the first batch of Phantom 4's made as pre-ordered from DJI on the announcement day back in the beginning of March and have had this issue with all firmwares uploaded to the Phantom.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
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United States

I have a new Phantom 4 that I flew for the first time a little over a week ago.  Out of 40+ photos all had tilted horizon.  I just discovered yesterday that I have the altitude drop/take off after coming to a stop and hovering.  Sometimes, the P4 will drop 20-30 feet before stopping,, then climbing.. etc.  Mine came from Drone-World with the latest firmware for the drone and the RC already installed.  I love the distance I'm getting and the camera quality as compared to my old Vision+, however, the tilted horizon is unacceptable for a company with so much experience in developing the 3-Axis gimbal, while the altitude issue is just scary!!  You got to be watching your altitude and camera horizon closely when flying long range to detect a sudden drop in altitude.   Flying close to the tops of trees or low to the water surface not recommended if you plan to stop and hover.
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My Flying Eye
United Kingdom

DanielMyst777 Posted at 2016-5-16 03:14
This is very relevant as I was testing the gimbal roll function today as I am experiencing the same  ...

Well put, and I second what you have written.  Please take note DJI and let all of us P4 owners have the product that was promoted and restore our faith.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 307621 ft
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United States

I am wonder how many issues this one makes for the P4? The first one was the distance issue. I wonder if DJI fixed that one yet.  
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Flight distance : 504692 ft
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United States

P4 is better then P3 in distance although RC power is lower by 20%. The only problems now is, altitude drops and gimbal tilting.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4356421 ft
United States

dancarver44@mai Posted at 2016-5-16 21:35
I'm on my 5th P4. I know another guy on his 6th, and another person on his 12th P4!
I will keep ex ...

WOW! I am surprised you can exchange those that many times. I don't blame you...just saying I guess that is a good thing. I have had a P3A for several months now and it has just been amazing. I have had a lot of fun and no problems at all. I had wondered about upgrading to a P4, but it sure sounds like all of you have had some issues. Sorry for your hardships. I have bragged up DGI to several friends and still will regarding my P3A, but I don't think I will make the move to a P4 anytime soon or suggest it to anyone. Hope DJI does address some of your issues.
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Flight distance : 504692 ft
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United States

Where is DJI guys? Kim, Paladin? You asked me to post video... I did..  So whats next?
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Flight distance : 504692 ft
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United States

No comments on the issue for DJI (((
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Flight distance : 504692 ft
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United States

First they ask us to upload footage. After we spend our time and do it they just ignore? Whats the point?
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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I am sorry you are experiencing this. Can you please also post a quick clip of your job that you said was ruined. Also, if you can do a huge favor and do a screen record of a flight showing this tilting, since you are not using the gimbal roll during this video I just want more data to send off.
Also, if you can please plug the P4 into the computer and copt the DAT file of this flight and the ones from your job and upload them to Dropbox and I will have the data analysis team evaluate them.
Also, if you sync your flight records and provide your email address and star the flights in question I will look at them.

Whenever I do aerial work I always bring a few extra aircraft. You never know when an issue may arise and having backup will keep the day going.
Again, sorry for the difficulties you are experiencing and please provide the information and I will forward this on ASAP.
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John Osmo
United Kingdom

ISA AYDIN Posted at 2016-5-20 14:34
First they ask us to upload footage. After we spend our time and do it they just ignore? Whats the p ...

I have not fully tested mine yet but so far I've not noticed such behaviour on mine. What I'm going to say is probably quite stupid. I have read some time ago that the gimbal wiring ribbon on some craft was not properly fitted at the factory. The "drop" appears to be the gimble ribbon being caught by the gimbal arms.

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United States

OK, everybody needs to QUIT doing gimbal roll adjustments and then complaining that it snaps back to crooked. That is because according to the gimbal's software, the camera is straight so when you roll it, it actually makes it crooked. I also have a crooked horizon (only sometimes) because I have found that when it's crooked, I just yaw and pitch slightly around for a minute (WITHOUT DOING A GIMBAL ROLL) and it will eventually give me a level shot. I can't say for sure that this will work with yours, but it has worked with others than mine. My guess is you saw the crooked horizon, and only tried gimbal roll to adjust it, and when that didn't work, you came to the conclusion that the whole shot was ruined. I agree that there should be a level horizon at all times, but there isn't. That's a fact right now we have to deal with. But attempting to gimbal roll will NOT fix it, as the camera does not think it is crooked when you are doing it. It seems like NOBODY is troubleshooting at all on how to fix the horizon level, and are just chalking it up to DJI and giving up. I have been able to get COUNTLESS level horizons WITH a faulty horizon level P4. Quit giving up so easily and maybe you will get the footage your trying to. And as Cessna172 mentioned, you can always fix crooked horizons in post production (albeit losing a little of the sides of your shot).
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United States

first, how about you don't fly and hover over a major highway?
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My Flying Eye

Can anyone explain why it is that when I place my P4 on a level surface, do a IMU and a Gimbal calibration, the gimbal sets perfectly with the horizon.
I power down the aircraft and the RC and then restart and guess what?..... Yep, its lost it's level setting and is misaligned again.

Frustrating or what?
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Flight distance : 504692 ft
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-5-20 13:55
I am sorry you are experiencing this. Can you please also post a quick clip of your job that yo ...

Ken I am sorry, but I am very busy, and don't have time to do all these. The video that I uploaded is exactly explaining what happens when gimbal roll adjustment is used. Also regarding bringing additional aircrafts, I do not work at DJI like you do. And I pay for all the drones I use. But, I had my friends P4 with me that day and unfortunately his ones has the same problem. Btw, what I remember from advertised commercial was that DJI added dual compass and IMU for better stability and bla bla bla. And there was no such problem, even with P3. Why would I buy 2 phantoms then? Where is that stability?

Everybody around is talking about tilted horizon and every time only DJI team  is giving reaction as if they heard it first time and nobody else has this problem. Do you really think it makes us feel good and stay loyal customers in future? Its my 7th drone from DJI, and I convinced a lot of my friends to my Phantoms and inspires. Do we deserve such treatment? Dji not even ones publicly told that they are fixing the problem or at at least admitted that they are aware of the problem and will try to fix. Instead you are tasking us with uploading videos, flight infos, ruined works, dat files, screen capture and etc. and offer us to bring couple of aircrafts.  Dji is not paying for my time and for additional aircrafts. This is not the way you do business in US. It doesn't work that way. You all know how I supported P4 on my page with 122000 followers, and thats the way you treat me. Thank you
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My Flying Eye

ISA AYDIN Posted at 2016-5-22 17:30
Ken I am sorry, but I am very busy, and don't have time to do all these. The video that I uploaded ...

I think this has explained how most of us feel, well said ISA AYDIN.
Come on DJI, stop asking us to repeat everything, just accept that you have a problem, its not going to go away by ignoring it and it IS damaging your reputation and just give us a fix please.
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Flight distance : 30502 ft

ISA AYDIN Posted at 2016-5-22 17:30
...And there was no such problem, even with P3.

There was indeed an issue with a tilted horizon on the P3.  

You know what?  DJI fixed it.  It took a while, but it was fixed.

You are an early adopter and as such, you pay the price for having the newest whiz-bang device that may be a little rough around the edges.

DJI has come a long way just in the past couple of years and I have all the confidence that they will sort this out.

Oh, just one more thing.  You don't have the time to send them the file so their engineers can get more data on the issue?  You could've sent them the .dat file in less time than it took you write the posts just in this thread.
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United States

This is not a small little problem DJI the tilted gimbal problem is a problem that many many phantom 4 owners are having. I also have this stupid gimbal problem I'm not a professional I just make YouTube video and video for freands so I don't have a fancy video editing system to fix the problem. The problem has become worse and makes me not even want to film or make videos with my phantom 4 because the video footage just looks like crap. All I/we want to no DJI is if this problem can be fixed with a upcoming firmware update if it can that's great if  not just tell us it can not be fixed and we will move on away from the p4 I no I will.
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Flight distance : 22530 ft
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United States

gsxr07boy Posted at 2016-5-22 15:46
This is not a small little problem DJI the tilted gimbal problem is a problem that many many phantom ...

does Dji  respond to every issue within a certain time period
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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ISA AYDIN Posted at 2016-5-22 17:30
Ken I am sorry, but I am very busy, and don't have time to do all these. The video that I uploaded ...

I'm sorry you feel that way, I asked for more data so we can help you out. If you do not want to provide more info especially the DAT file then the only other option is to send it in.
We are here to help you but we need data to provide a reason as to why you say you have a horizon issue.
I can replicate your exact video by tapping the gimbal roll, that's why we need what I asked for so DJI can analyze the data to see why that is happening.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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str1776 Posted at 2016-5-23 07:13
does Dji  respond to every issue within a certain time period

Can you explain the issue you are having?
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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My Flying Eye Posted at 2016-5-23 01:47
I think this has explained how most of us feel, well said ISA AYDIN.
Come on DJI, stop asking us t ...

Again, if you are experiencing an issue please provide the what I asked for earlier and DJI will analyze the data and provide you a solution.
If you cannot take the time to upload the DAT file or screenshot a quick video clip then please send it is and the repair shop will evaluate. It's free shipping from the US so if you are experiencing an issue why wouldn't you want to provide data to resolve it.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

wrathofkhan Posted at 2016-5-23 14:40
No disrespect DJI-Ken but there are SO many of us with the Horizon tilt that have done the request ...

I'm sorry if you are experiencing an issue, in order to get anything done about it, I need a DAT file and video clip from each person.
If there's one video out there and 100 people say they have the same issue it doesn't mean anything.
They need several logs and videos to analyze. With only a few videos they cannot determine if it's a wide spread issue.
So for all that are experiencing it, please don't say mine does it too. Please upload the DAT file of a flight that it happens and provide the link. And also provide a quick video clip and screen recording would be best.
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

That's the thing, DJI can fix issues BUT if anyone is having an issue they need to provide data showing it. They cannot just say "mine does it too".
I just got back from the repair shop and talked to the head of the repair department and even to a few techs. They stated that there have only been a few that have been sent in with an issue like this.
Again, the repair shop has only seen a FEW aircraft with this complaint.
If you truly have an issue, you need to have it documented by providing the DAT logs and a video.
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United States

gsxr07boy Posted at 2016-5-22 17:46
This is not a small little problem DJI the tilted gimbal problem is a problem that many many phantom ...

Went out of town this week to do some filming and it was a complete waste of time due to this gimble issue. About 5 seconds after liftoff it tilts and stays that way. You shouldn't have to edit your shots just to fix a problem that a $1400 drone shouldn't have.
Really aggravating  
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

sharpbirdy Posted at 2016-5-23 18:35
Why did you delete my post ?

And I thought I was cracking up, I read that post and then it disappeared. Maybe a 'glitch' in the system ? You could always post it again.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

I was going to offer more evidence, but in the light of this apparent imminent fix I will save it, won't be needed now
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