I have installed H3-3D on stock Phantom v1 with stock radio.
Please is there any chance to change the gimbal speed? There is no chance to change it in Gimbal Assistant 1.4
Please help me!
Yes I know it ....and thank you for the answer. But i do not understand why? Its half day of work for one experienced coder in DJI company!!! I think that there are many peoples on the world with DJI copters, NAZA and H3-3D and they do not have this possibility? Its totally fail on customer care. I think that there is many peoples with the simillar setup like is on Phantom 1. Video about this issue has 2500 of views! Its totally fail...i was buyng the expensive gimbal and he has the 10% of the functionality of the cheaper gimbal on Basecam soft...if it was be the complicated thing i should say "ok" but this? On the Phantom 2 this work, on the copters with older Wookong or Nazas no? Why? Sorry but i do not understand this. I was waiting half of year (like totally lamer) for the new update of gimball assist and hope that it will be soluted but - no thing was changed. I do not understand why they sold the H3-3D separately if they do not want to do support for this users....
So for the other Phantom v1 and H3-3D useres - there will be no solution in the future! You must buy NEW H4-3D gimbal..
the guy form the technical support write me:
Phantom 1 does not support H3-3D in the very first place.
Phantom 1 is just our entry level drone and H3-3D is a relatively advanced gimbal.
Phantom 1 can only work with H3-2D.
There will ne no adjustment for tilt speed in the future...you must buy the new H4-3D gimbal :-)