Not A Speck Of
Flight distance : 666493 ft
United States
Good points about the low wind and dawn / sunup. I hadn't thought of that in respect to having a stable UAV.
Nice look to the video! Did you do any color grading in post processing?
For those new to photography, you can take advantage of the golden light of the early and late hours of a day for a warmer look and richer colors naturally. It's an old rule and is just as always very true. Those hours have that warmer light and other aspects that make for better shots.
However, it is just a general rule. You shouldn't refrain from taking shots if you're out there. And in fact, there are good reasons for specifically waiting for the middle of the day for some kinds of photography, such as landscape shots where you don't want a lot of shade (valleys are in shadow when the sun is closer to the horizon, etc.).