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DJI GO updated itself to 2.8.2, now I cannot set RTH altitude
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Second Officer

Made a decision to not do any more updates a while back since it was working.

Now I find that it updated itself and forced me to agree to 95 pages of legalese.

Then I go throught the parameters to find it is all set to factory defaults. Grrrr.

When I try to set the RTH to 30 M it pops up with "Course reversal altitude cannot be higher that the altitude limit of 0m."


The max flight altitutde is currently set to 122 M.

DJI, do you test your software before releasing it? Or simply expect us to pay for the privilege of doing your jobs?

PS this is with my ipad mini not connected to the controller, AC off.

May fiddle with things more after dinner.

Use props
Flight distance : 2408 ft
Hong Kong

Hello info, please turn on both of your RC and drone to set the RTH altitude.
Use props
Core User of DJI
Flight distance : 26781877 ft
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"Now I find that it updated itself"

It didn't update itself.
You enabled auto-update apps in your device so you allowed it to update.
Disable auto-update and this doesn't happen.
Use props
First Officer
Flight distance : 384432 ft
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United Kingdom

The RTH parameters are stored in the aircraft itself for use when it might lose contact with the RC. So really this is a failsafe mechanism to ensure that the information is stored on the aircraft rather than just the RC.
Use props
Second Officer

hooking it all up and turning it all on I find the settings as before.

I did not turn auto-update on, evidently Apple did that for me. Now turned off.

New problem. (ipad running version 8.4 of IOS, 2.8.2 of DJI Go app. (If I update IOS to latest, will DJI app go haywire and or fail?)

I am unable to change the max altitude.

Currently set to 300 meters.

I press the three dots "..." in upper right corner of DJI app, General Settigns window appears

press icon for AC, Main Controller Settings appear.

press on Set Max Flight Altitude, keyboard appears.

As soon as I press the number 1 on screen, the keyboard disappears, denying me the ability to change the value in that field.

Any ideas how to solve this?

thanks in advance.

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