 Second Officer
hooking it all up and turning it all on I find the settings as before.
I did not turn auto-update on, evidently Apple did that for me. Now turned off.
New problem. (ipad running version 8.4 of IOS, 2.8.2 of DJI Go app. (If I update IOS to latest, will DJI app go haywire and or fail?)
I am unable to change the max altitude.
Currently set to 300 meters.
I press the three dots "..." in upper right corner of DJI app, General Settigns window appears
press icon for AC, Main Controller Settings appear.
press on Set Max Flight Altitude, keyboard appears.
As soon as I press the number 1 on screen, the keyboard disappears, denying me the ability to change the value in that field.
Any ideas how to solve this?
thanks in advance.