Used New Windsurfer - Best Distance Yet
2567 24 2016-5-29
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Flight distance : 1557398 ft

Bought a Bestmaple copper windsurfer antenna. I liked it because the two sides are hinged. I had read reviews where they cause the antennas to fall sideways. With this setup they stay together.

I live in Atlanta with hills and dense forested areas. From the sky you can hardly tell that there are large communities below. Today I flew 4000 meters. I had to go a bit high, but I was never able to fly anywhere close to this distance.

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United States

4000 meters!!!!?? wow. I live in mableton with the same terrain and havent gotten further than 1.5 miles
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Flight distance : 1557398 ft

Cablebandit Posted at 2016-5-31 20:43
4000 meters!!!!?? wow. I live in mableton with the same terrain and havent gotten further than 1.5 m ...

Went out the next day and couldn't get more than 2200. I don't know if it is atmospheric. I think to some degree it is the route.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4804163 ft
  • >>>

Well, I had the opposite experience.
I made a Waypoint route in Litchi and flew it with both my P3A and my P4, each once with and once without the windsurfers mounted.

Direction: North
Wind 6 m/s from west
Cloud coverage 62 %
Temperature: 18 ° C
Landscape: flat but with a lot of trees, sometimes one or two together, often hundreds of them and one- or two to three story buildings every 400 m +/-

P3A without windsurfers: signal lost at 2495 m
P4 without windsurfers: signal lost at 3512 m
P3A with windsurfers: signal lost at 1912 m
P4 with windsurfers: signal lost at 2410 m.

All flights were made just a few minutes apart and with all last firmware available for all components.

I know: it's only one test but also using the windsurfers routinally as I did for a few weeks I never had the impression that my range was increased significantly.
Furthermore the healthydronelogs showed that, with the windsurfers on, the number of 'minor transmission errors' was about twice as high as the number without. At some points there were 75 transmission errors with the windsurfers and 0 without them at the same point during the flight.
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Flight distance : 1557398 ft
United States

PhanFran Posted at 2016-6-1 00:02
Well, I had the opposite experience.
I made a Waypoint route in Litchi and flew it with both my P3A  ...

They are EXTREMELY directional. You know the general direction of your bird, but have to be lined up exactly. I had the same problem until I started looking at the radar screen. I found that when I got a weak transmission signal I just had to line up directly with the drone based on the radar screen and the safe to fly message would come back.

I agree that you need to experiment and it may be that it is not for you.  I would say that when I fly from the front of my house they are of little help because of hills and high trees. When I go to a local high school, I start at the end of the field, fly over the school and a lake before I hit the hills and dense trees. That clear distance combined with some altitude may be enough to get a better line of sight transmission.

You mentioned the compass heading. I do wish the DJI app would give a compass heading as I find it is helpful despite having the map and the compass needle.
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United States

went out a little bit ago using DjiGo version 2.6....was using 2.8.1......went 1.97 miles....had to get altitude to do it though
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United States

Cablebandit Posted at 2016-5-31 16:50
went out a little bit ago using DjiGo version 2.6....was using 2.8.1......went 1.97 miles....had to  ...

Sounds great to be able to fly great distances, but now that you have to have been registered with the FAA, you've go no excuse for flying beyond visual distance.

Go around telling the world you're flying non-compliant and when you crash, and you will crash, hope the authorities can't trace the quad back to you.
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Flight distance : 791184 ft
United States

gregg1r Posted at 2016-6-1 08:19
Sounds great to be able to fly great distances, but now that you have to have been registered with ...

There's always one of you killjoys spewing the same crap.

If the bird crashes, whether it's 500 ft or 5000 ft away from you will make no difference. Either way, you have no control. Visual LOS is BS.

Imagine this: You're flying your bird 200 ft up, 500 ft out. Easily seen. Then, the dreaded flyaway happens. Away it goes, you not in control, crashes into something, runs out of juice, whatever.

What did it being in LOS mean? Zilch.
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United States

dkruseski Posted at 2016-5-31 20:44
There's always one of you killjoys spewing the same crap.

If the bird crashes, whether it's 500 ft ...

Don't like the rules, get them changed.

LOS is there for a reason. How many times have you read about people losing video feed?

When you grow up, you'll understand that accidents happen. What you are advocating isn't accidental but a deliberate act.

It's people like you that the registration requirements have been put into place.

Fly on McDuff.

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United States

Cablebandit Posted at 2016-5-31 20:43
4000 meters!!!!?? wow. I live in mableton with the same terrain and havent gotten further than 1.5 m ...

There's a water tower at Factory Shoals and Six Flags Dr.  That's the highest point in the area I believe.  Fly from up on that hill you should almost be able to fly for miles and miles.    Right around 730 Six Flags Dr, Austell.    But be careful, there's an airport not too far away come to think of it......on second thought.....this is not a good place to fly.
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Flight distance : 791184 ft

gregg1r Posted at 2016-6-2 06:07
Don't like the rules, get them changed.

LOS is there for a reason. How many times have you read a ...

Rules driven by fear don't get changed by logic and reason. The media driven "drone menace" sees to that.

As long as RC is connected, you know where you are, even without video feed. And if you lose RC, it RTH. No worries.

You know nothing about me, so please stop with the when you grow up crap. I fly safer than you I'd bet.

Registration has nothing to do with me, or any drone flyer. It's the fear I stated above.

Don't fall for it. Fight against it.

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Flight distance : 1557398 ft

dkruseski Posted at 2016-6-2 06:58
Rules driven by fear don't get changed by logic and reason. The media driven "drone menace" sees t ...

I agree. There is no need to be nasty on these forums. Talking about when someone grows up is just one more form of put down that seems to be a habit with some people.

This is not a political campaign or a question of right and wrong. This is a place for people to exchange information, help and ideas in a constructive, rational way. It is not very useful when members engage in passive aggressive behavior.

You can use line of sight all you want. If your bird does a flyaway, and it does happen sometimes, line of sight is no more helpful if you go down over water, a marsh, a heavily wooded area, or on some unsuspecting person or car. A GPS tracker is far more useful than LOS in finding it if it can be found.

I am a licensed pilot and the FAA has more regs than any human can imagine. Many of them are useful and common sense safety. Some are nearly impossible to follow and some are quite dangerous. My flight examiner said the FAA killed John Kennedy Jr. by allowing him to fly at night with only a basic license and the only requirement that he have 3 hours of night flight instruction and 3 hours of instrument only flight instruction. When I had that class of license I never flew at night. I considered the training useful just in case I was late and it got dark as I was headed to my landing airport.

The key to understanding government regulations, FAA, IRS, EPA, etc. is understanding the levels of enforcement. It is very much like case law.

I wonder what would happen if you had a flyaway and ended up crashing somewhere that would trigger an FAA investigation. These are government regs, not laws. You have to show that it was LOS and not your fault. If you can't, and the level of proof is up to them, then we will all find out just how strictly they intend to enforce LOS rules. I suspect they will be pretty loose on them.

The altitude rules are likely to be far more strictly enforced as it has to do with aircraft separation which is something they take very seriously. However, that being said, the level of scrutiny they apply to altitude is going to increase the closer you are to an airport where aircraft are ascending and descending.

Please have everyone who never exceeded the speed limit raise their hands.

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Flight distance : 1557398 ft

Cablebandit Posted at 2016-5-31 20:43
4000 meters!!!!?? wow. I live in mableton with the same terrain and havent gotten further than 1.5 m ...

Looked at the flight record today. Flight time is 14 minutes. Distance of 8,978 meters! I believe that is 5.32 miles. This thing is awesome.
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gregg1r Posted at 2016-6-2 06:07
Don't like the rules, get them changed.

LOS is there for a reason. How many times have you read a ...


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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

gregg1r Posted at 2016-6-1 18:07
Don't like the rules, get them changed.

LOS is there for a reason. How many times have you read a ...

On DJI's own web site it promotes the range on the P3P and P3A to be 2.1 miles in CE mode and 3.1 miles in FCC mode. If it's right on the manufacturer's site, don't you think people are going to push it to the advertised range, I would. I have a P3S and it's rated to 1000m (.6 mile), don't you think I tested to see if it would go that far, of course. Back in the 80's when the max highway speed limit was 55, did you go 60??
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Flight distance : 501913 ft

wmcvey Posted at 2016-6-30 08:13
On DJI's own web site it promotes the range on the P3P and P3A to be 2.1 miles in CE mode and 3.1  ...

Just have fun
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United States

wmcvey Posted at 2016-6-29 20:13
On DJI's own web site it promotes the range on the P3P and P3A to be 2.1 miles in CE mode and 3.1  ...

Since you brought up the 70's-80's Arab Oil embargo speed limits, we the people were able to get the speed limits changed. It took time to get it done, but the nationally mandated limit was changed. Also remember that the limits were only imposed after some arm twisting by removing highway funds to states that didn't adopt the limits.

I personally don't care if you fly beyond visual distance. If you are registered with the FAA and your quad crashes and damages someones property or injurers someone, be prepared to be charged and probably be sued by the injured.

I've flown RC aircraft for many years. Back when I started, the 27 and 72mhz frequencies were king. They were also self limiting on range. Once the PCM transmitters and the 900mhz frequency opened up, people flew at longer ranges. The biggest difference is that my RC helicopter has over a 6' set of blades and can be seen from a 1000 yards away. A 18 inch quad manufactured from white plastic disappears beyond 5-600 yards into the sky.

Fly anyhow you want, but flying in non compliance of the regulations is just going to bring further attention that isn't needed or wanted.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

gregg1r Posted at 2016-7-2 12:37
Since you brought up the 70's-80's Arab Oil embargo speed limits, we the people were able to get t ...

Good come back, and a reminder of those crazy gas lines that made no sense. But now were dating ourselves, and everyone going to know we're old timers. lol
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United States

This thread troubles me.   People still seem to think drones have priority in airspace and that's just not true.  Aircraft with people onboard have complete priority at ALL TIMES, EVERYWHERE.  End of story.

Maybe some people don't understand VLOS or why it's important.
VLOS doesn't mean a straight line from you no matter how means that you are viisually in contact with the aircraft and can see it well enough to ascertain whether or not it is in or potentially near the fliight path of a manned aircraft.    If the Visual aspect didnt matter it would just be LOS.   Line of Sight is VERY different from Visual line of Sight.  (VLOS)

With a few exceptions, the majority of drone flight is controlled and not a flyaway.  When control of a drone is lost through no fault of yours, that is not irresponsibility...that is an accident as another pointed out.  The problem is people willfully disregarding the rules.

Suppose you were flying 2 miles away.....far beyond VLOS and a small plane carrying 6 people was in trouble at low altitude and you were right in it's flight path.
How would you know to descend immediately to avoid the aircraft if it was so far away you couldn't see it or hear it?   Helicopters often fly at low altitudes also.
Maybe it would be funny to some, or make no difference to them....since it's not THEIR lives in danger.

Saying it makes no difference or "what difference does it make" is unforgivably irresponsible.   If you and your family were onboard that small plane in distress the last thing you would want is someone flying a drone miles away, right into your windshield or causing you to have to make a life or death descision to maneuver an already in trouble plane around a drone.   I do not agree with the FAA on many things and particularly the registration....but I do believe in responsibility and respect for airspace that has people onboard planes in it that my drone could affect.   I TOTALLY agree with the VLOS rule no matter how much I may not like the FAA's heavy hand in the hobby.

This is not being a "killjoy" or a "fun Police".   This is respect for airspace in which human beings lives are dependent on a clear path at all times.Hobby use of airspace is not a right but a revokable privilege.   The more irresponsibility, the more likely we are to see more regulations.

Flight into or near regulated airspace is no place for cavalier attitudes, immature behavior and or irresponsibility.
It is fortunate that drones are still allowed at all in spite of some.
It is unfortunatel that a licensed pilot would say it makes no difference.  Perhaps the FAA was right.   Perhaps the FAA is still too lenient.

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Flight distance : 1557398 ft
United States

Cessna172 Posted at 2016-7-3 01:46
This thread troubles me.   People still seem to think drones have priority in airspace and that's ju ...

I get your point. I am not advocating flying above the FAA limit, particularly in controlled airspace. I have spoken up many times on this forum when folks question DJI about their GEO flight restrictions particularly about Class C and Class B airports. I fly near a Class D but always call ahead.

Outside of that, the probability of an aircraft in distress on an intersecting horizontal and vertical vector with a hobby drone is less than my concern would be for a bird strike. VLOS is subjective and useless when talking about trying to discern the position of a drone versus any manned aircraft.

I don't want people going crazy out there. I am just pointing out the mass of FAA regs, their ability to enforce and therefore the reality of prioritizing violations and case law in creating rules of which there is next to zero.

People quote regulations. Any law school text in administrative law will show rules and regs. Regs are what people are quoting. Rules come from the regs based on their interpretation and application in real life. Along with the rules comes come footnotes and probable applications.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 700846 ft
United States

Cessna172 Posted at 2016-7-2 12:46
This thread troubles me.   People still seem to think drones have priority in airspace and that's ju ...

Very well said!  Agree 100% with all, including disagreeing with some of the FAA stuff.  Although completely inactive as a pilot for decades due to cost, I am also one, with SEL/MEL/Commercial ratings.  I love my quad, but doubt I've had it over a half mile away (so far) in the 11.5 months I've had it.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 904364 ft
United States

Cessna172 Posted at 2016-7-2 13:46
This thread troubles me.   People still seem to think drones have priority in airspace and that's ju ...

Just like "gregg1r" stated above, you can't see these Phantoms much further than 500/600 yards. So your saying you don't personal fly out any further then that? If it was the case that no one went truly out of VLOS, then there would be no need to buy a P3A or P3P capable of 3 mile (FAA mode) and everyone should have just gotten a standard and saved some money, since they can only go out 1/2 mile, (about twice the VLOS distance). That's what I have a P3S, and 1/2 mile is more than sufficient for me. But even if I'm in the middle of some farmland with wide open fields I can't spot it past 500m, but I know it's right there in front of me because I have FPV on my device and the map data to reference. Personal I think this site should be a place to exchange ideas, experiences and ask questions. Not a place to be judgemental against another hobbyist because you think they may be violating some FAA reg. That's between the authorities and them, not fellow hobbyist.
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United States

wmcvey Posted at 2016-7-2 13:10
Good come back, and a reminder of those crazy gas lines that made no sense. But now were dating ou ...

I am an old timer, and most of the time proud of it. Never waited in a gas line, as I had friends that owned service stations, and I filled up after hours. The good old days.

People just getting into RC flight have no idea what it takes to fly non computer controlled aircraft. The CPU on the Phantom is constantly making adjustments that previously a human had to do. Most folks that got into RC airplanes learned on control line aircraft before being observed by an instructor.

I read specifications and regulations like a lawyer. If the agency responsible for the documentation missed something when being written, too bad, it's no longer up to me to inform them of the error.

I worked in aerospace for many years. Worked on certification efforts for large passenger and military cargo aircraft. I fully understand what the FAA is attempting to do with registration and the new category for commercial use.

If we collectively police this hobby, groups like AMA could be a valuable resource. The problem with the AMA imo is that they look down on quads. The quad doesn't require the same skill set as does flying RC fixed wing or helicopters. Again, imo, they're like the long bow groups looking down on compound bows and crossbows. Snobs are found everywhere.

Welcome to being a geezer, you earned it. (think about all the stupid things you did growing up and lived to tell about)

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United States

wmcvey Posted at 2016-7-3 04:44
Just like "gregg1r" stated above, you can't see these Phantoms much further than 500/600 yards. So  ...

I understanf your point, but again, you seem to feel your "right" to fly a drone is equal to the rights of people to fly safely in airplanes overhead.   Who says it's a right to fly more than 500 or 600 yards away?
Historically, the RC hobby never had that in mind.    That is precisely why there is so much controversy today.   Onboard cameras and other relatively new tech has made RC flight over long distance possible.
All of us old timers who have flown RC for 50 years or more know this.   This long distance stuff is practically brand new.

And I'm not judging anyone.   I am stating the fact that manned aircraft do and should have priority over drones flights in ALL situations and that it is impossible to do that if you are out of visual range.
Sucessfully argue that point and I would gladly concede.

Noone has an inherent "right" to fly a drone as far as they can.   Just because a manufacturer makes a product does not mean that you automatically have the right to push it's limits.   Some cars can go nearly 200 miles per hour.   So should the driver be questioning the law that limits his speed to 70 on the freeway?    Or should people with cars that can go 200 mph simply do so on public roads because they can?

Are there exceptions?  Sure.   If you are flying in a place so unlikely for any air traffic to be around that the odds are almost zero, then there is not much risk.   Even though it still violates FAA regs.
If you knew me, you would know that the VERY LAST thing I EVER want is government intrusion.  Especially into my hobbies.   But on the other hand, I can see why it was necessary.  YouTube was full of people flying above the clouds etc just a year or more ago.  Something HAD  to be done.

The FAA has made it crystal clear that flying beyond 400 yards or so (depending on your vision capabilities) is not legal.   It is no longer a guideline, it is enforceable law.

Again, I'm NOT glad the FAA stepped into the hobby, but based on the absolutely INSANE videos people were posting from 2013 - mid 2015 all over the Internet, something had to be done due to those who's only concern is their own fun....and couldn't care less about people in planes above.

But remember that you have no "right" to fly a drone as once you leave the ground, you are in the National Airspace and it is ALL under FAA control.

Let's try not to give the FAA reason to step in again and take more drastic steps.  That's all I'm saying.
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Tunnel Rat

Modified windsurfer template from this forum and flew 5km across a salt lake and returned safely. started to lose signal just at 5km.
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