I've thought about this a fair bit, as I eagerly await my drone's arrival. I'm sure I'll eventually get some goggles mainly for the immersive component. That will mean less options available at my fingertips (compared to a tablet), but the controller (if set up as a second controller) has much of what you'd want most of the time, anyway.
What I really want is the oculus rift, but wanting things that aren't even out yet is what has most of us in this awkward period now, isn't it.
An overview of the currently available goggles are below.
Sony's HMZ-T2 look good, but have a big bulky processing unit that would be prohibitive.
The Zeiss cinemizer seem much more portable, but they are still priced at a premium point, however aren't performing as well as the upcoming competition.
The Fatshark goggles also seem to get a lot of attention, likely as they offered solutions for those not having visual signal coming in through the controller. Their DominatorHD goggles seem to have good potential, and is currently available. I'd be curious to hear from someone who has flown with this one.
An interesting option is the epson moverio (mentioned at the bottom of this overview: ). They are clear glasses which can have the video displayed on them - meaning you see through the image to what surrounds you. I imagine you can always pull a hat down over your eyes if you want to block things out. It would be interesting to hear how visible the images are if you are flying outdoors with a bright sky.
I don't really see the benefit of an HDMI monitor (over a tablet), unless that is what you have kicking around and you're looking to earn back some of the money you spent on the inspire before making more purchases. I can see the benefit of streaming the HDMI signal out to other displays for group consumption/enjoyment, but not for personal use, given that it lacks immersion or an interactive interface.
Realistically, I'll probably fly with both a tablet and goggles: I'll use my android nexus 5 for the options, and some goggles for the view. We have a 2 controller bird on the way, so I'm not sure if my wife will want the immersive shotgun experience, or let me enjoy while she takes the stick. Once I'm comfortable with it, I'd love to give it a go solo, flipping the goggles up onto my forehead when near the ground/home, and popping into FPV with the goggles when I'm safe. Now my problem is if I can wait for the Oculus Rift, as it doesn't look like the samsung gear VR is able to interface with any of the inspire's connectivity options. |