I see that a new charging hub that holds three batteries at a time but only charges them in seuence has been released.
It charges the highest charged battery first then switched to the next battery which will be handy and save a little time as I dont have to swap batteries manualy.
The feature that I am interested in is the storage mode, after a flight I like to recharge my batteries untill the 3rd led start blinking if I am not flying the nest day but if I get distracted I can und up with a fully charged battery.
Has anyone tried this out yet?
I don't bother doing a partial charge for storage. I fully charge and if I don't use the battery within discharge days set in the app the batteries then discharge themselves to storage voltage.
Read the description...I think...think, that is discharges to 50% first (??) then charges. I also think that there is a switch on the charger to charge/discharge to 50% for storage. I would agree with hummingbird.uav that in the Go app you can set your battery storage to start to discharge anywhere from 1 day to 10 days if not in use.
I have a 18 month old 22,000mAh battery that has an IR of 140 which I have had fully charged for 2 day maximum. I am not confident with the auto discharge feature as I believe it takes too long.
Jeffo C Posted at 2016-6-9 12:33
I have a 18 month old 22,000mAh battery that has an IR of 140 which I have had fully charged for 2 d ...
The auto discharge takes 4 to 5 days until it gets it down to around 65% when set to 1 day, the hub is a handy way to get it down to 50 or get it upto 50.
I wonder how many days until discharge should I put on the Go app if I only fly once a week, and how many days to discharge if I fly twice a week? I really thought I would leave the default 10 day if I fly once or twice a week. Please advise. Cheers!