 Second Officer
Flight distance : 11134446 ft
United States
Last week I was doing some high speed tests of the Phantom 4 in Sport Mode. I was more focused on flying the craft and trying to keep it as low as possible and fly a straight line, (harder to do than you think in Sport Mode.... man its fast....) when I suddenly get a 30% battery warning on screen and immediately the P4 goes into a "RTH" flight plan.
The problem with this is that I had launched the Phantom 4 some distance back on the lake and before I could process what was happening,, the Phantom 4 was already flying toward a forest of trees on a bluff high above the lake. Desperately, I looked at the DJI Go app for the setting to reset my "Home Point", but, could not find it quickly. (I damn sure know where it is now under aircraft on the first page of settings) Worried my "RTH Altitude" was not high enough, I made a decision to keep the Phantom 4 at a high altitude and try to race the boat back to the original launch site. (I still had 25% battery life) Racing the boat back I kept the altitude high, however, at about 15% battery life it reached the RTH point and began to fight to descend. I realized I could only keep it at altitude for a short time and had better find a landing area nearby on the shoreline near the RTH point. So, thats what I did. Gliding her over to a lake home with a nice yard I set the Phantom 4 down with less than 10% battery left.
My question is this. Why did this happen? When I fly in Phantom Mode I get the 30% battery warning and maintain full control over the Phantom 4. Did the same thing after this flight without any issues. 30% Battery warning in Phantom Mode,,, time to bring her in. Complete control and no automatic "RTH" sequence. Was this a "glitch" in the software, a battery issue, or, is the Phantom 4 supposed to automatically initiate a "RTH" sequence when flying agressively in "Sport Mode" and it reaches the 30% battery level? I checked the manual and cannot find anything on this issue. Smart Return Home was turned On in the DJI Go app. |