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Ultimate Flight adds above ground altitude mission and much more
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Recently moved from beta to release a number of features are now generally available (many not available in any existing app).

* Program your missions offline using altitudes above ground - No need to worry about calculating the altitudes as you add waypoints in areas with hills, the app can di this calculation for you.  Calculations are supported using 2 methods, each with varying accuracy.  The higher accuracy is to use Digital Terrain Model (DTM) files which can be downloaded or generated and tend to give the highest accuracy (some +/- 1').  The second, when DTM is not present is to use Google Elevation Services (accuracy depends on the area flying).  In both cases, define the mission using above ground and convert before flight (if you will not have internet connections) or the app will convert at the start of the mission.

* Mission templates - A mission template is a (patent pending) waypoint pattern which allows you to define the mission's pattern of flight and load the mission at any location.  The app will recalculate the mission appropriately.  Perfect for cases where the pattern is the same and only the location differs.

* Full Phantom 4 support - includes slow-motion video, radar reporting and active track.  P4 settings include control of avoidance detection, backwards and horizontal avoidance flight control, etc

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