Flight distance : 2067749 ft
United States
If your p3 is working fine people, why would you even update it? The last update I did on my p3 pro was to get the extended functions on it back in like August 2015. I only did that to get the point of interest, waypoints and stuff onto the copter... Once I finally had full functionality I decided no more updates! They are been 2 battery updates since, 1 which caused the p3 to shut for mid flight and then another firmware to fix that issue.. So if your p3p is working good and has all its functionality why update? At least save all the bin files from each firmware version, then you can rollback the firmware one by one until getting to one that works. The way I see it as of last year my p3 finally had full functionality after a couple months after purchasing it and she flew the best it ever has since the real botched firmware at the beginning... So what is the point to even updating it anymore? To increase the number of places it won't fly or need authorization? NO THANKS! So anyone with a p3 or p4 or even a p9 when it gets released, if it has full functionality and flies great just leave it, the firmware upgrade clearly isn't for you, ya know.... Lol...
And for DJI, we all know you mess up firmware and my own p3 dropped 50 plus meters due to that bad firmware that messed a huge number of people's phantom 3's up.. It was more than proven! That is what caused DJI to make it possible to roll back firmware on the p3 .. The copters had issues realizing their altitude and that's it the firmware release notes, not to mention all the compass errors I would get, a video downlink that was crap, 200 meter range! 2 months later Good firmware was finally released and all those issues were solved! I've never seen a compass warning again! The vps hasn't caused anymore flight issues, and I haven't seen my p3 idle its motors while 100 meters high and drop 50 meters before deciding to hold altitude again... Not to mention my home arrow finally worked properly again after pointing the wrong direction coming back to its take off point. At least I was able to to follow the green line on the map to get back to ho,e location if need be.
So please, don't try feeding us crap that a firmware update can't cause video link issues, compass issues or cause a fly away... Because we all learned a few times now DJI isn't perfect and their firmware updates can and will cause crashes! Unlike my flame wheel's with naza, the phantom 3 doesn't even have a MANUAL mode available for being able to recover from compass and gps issues and glitches or any other auto pilot issues... So you build something and sell it as full atonomous with all these abilities but then it fails for what ever reason and flies off and we have no manual mode to recover from it? The. I believe the warranty should be replacing these things and DJI needs to stop saying it isn't the firmware, especially when their are multiple people who upgraded the same machine to the same firmware version and have then developed the same exact issues... Come on here DJI...
On a side note though, besides that botched and well known and documented firmware release for the P3 in May 2015 I've been extremely happy with my p3, its range, and how stable it flies.. Even in 25mph winds its rock steady.. I love my p3. And I've been lucky so far and haven't had it or my naza v2 copters fly off or do anything stupid that would make me feel afraid to fly em... All my DJI products have my confidence now.... Well except for all my e300 motors failing on me. Which caused my X4 3dr copter to fall out of the sky 60 meters up and start on fire cuz of the lipo battery hitting the ground and getting punctured.. But in all honesty they are about 4 yr old motors with plenty of flight hrs on em.. Less than 100 hrs though which the motors are said to last.. But my e310 amd e305 propulsion systems. Are still running great though, lol... |