Flight distance : 815827 ft
This will be my 5th Quad, with a Gauii 330, 2 flamewheel 450's with Naza M V1 boards, and another 450 size quad with a Quadrino Multiwii board. Actually the Gauii 330 morphed into the first flamewheel 450 when I moved it's motors and esc's over to the Naza M board. I also have the GPS module on the 450 with the Scorpion (Gauii) motors. I have a 5.8Ghz fpv Tx I use on whichever I'm flying at the time, sometimes using an 8" Haier screen, 19" Insignia screen or Fat Shark goggles on the recieving end.
I was initially skeptical of the Phantoms when they came out, while I liked the general idea the thought of not using my own transmitter (Futaba 9CHP) and using Wifi for FPV didn't really appeal to me. However, watching the rock solid videos that relative newcomers have taken and the very impressive distance some are reporting helped make the decision to pick up a P4.
I've got an iPhone 6 and my wife has a 10" iPad air I can use for now, but I want to get a tablet I can more or less dedicate to the P4. I almost pulled the trigger on a iPad mini 2 last week at BB on sale, but am tempted to go with the Samsung 8" with the Super AMOLED display as well, just for the extra brightness the screen delivers.
Are there any real drawbacks to using the Android app instead of the IOS? I have heard that the IOS app is usually a little more feature rich.
I'm also getting a little concerned over the threads I'm reading about the P4 not being able to fly close to water because of the VPS not being able to be turned off. Mine is still in the shrink wrap so I'm wondering if trading it for an P3 might be prudent.