Phantom 4 (£1200) or inspire (now £1790)
1019 6 2016-6-21
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Flight distance : 292671 ft
United Kingdom

Went to buy a phantom 4 the other day but they were out of stock, he said yes they'll be In later this week but so will the inspire v2 at the new reduced price of £1700. I'm still kind of leaning towards the phantom 4 (not interested in the 3) however I'm now starting to think maybe I should pay the bit extra and get the inspire. I know it's kind of 2nd generation tech vs 3rd gen (better specs, more features etc) but I'm worried I might not get enough descent footage with the phantom due to props and legs getting in the shot. Is it a major issue and should I go with the inspire or is it something I'll be able to manage. I think I'm pretty aware of the other pros and cons of the two different drones after lots you videos and reviews but I've not flown either. The inspire 1 is pushing my budget so I won't bother waiting for a new inspire as I assume it'll be £2300+ when it releases.

Thanks in advance.

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Second Officer
Flight distance : 809350 ft
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United Kingdom

IMO, owning both ( although I now fly with the X5 camera ), the P4 camera gives slightly better results than the Inspire 1 with X3. But if you could get the inspire pro for that price it would be that one
legs and props are rarely an issue with the P4.. If you have the cash, get a P4 and 4 extra batteries And with the Inpsire 2 around the corner, you would end up with a craft competing with 4th gen tech..
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For convenience and potability I'd go with the P4 if that's important for you.

If wanting a Big Boys Toy, go the Inspire.
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Flight distance : 1495906 ft

The inspire for its price is for pro aerial photographers. I don't think you'll need the p4 features. If money is an issue then I suggest you save half the money and go p3p.. but I know people want to have the latest gadget, it's your choice
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United States

Unless you really want the sensors I would go for P3P or even P3A if you don't need 4K and spend the money on batteries. OR wait for next gen where we might see even bigger improvements because there isn't much the P3's don't have already
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Flight distance : 613615 ft
United States

I also have both and your decision should really depend on what you'll use it for. Personally I'd go with the Inspire.

Main differences for me are that the Inspire is a much stronger and solid flying platform. I do think the camera X3 is actually better than the camera on the P4 and you can rotate it independently of the drone, plus you have the option of a second operator. It makes it a better platform for videography. The P4 is smaller, which makes it easier to transport and it attracts less attention. Obstacle avoidance is nice as is the redundancy in (dual) compass and IMUs. And it has a slightly longer flight time.

Let us know what you end up getting.
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Flight distance : 292671 ft
United Kingdom

Well I went for the P4. Decided I'd like to play around with the smart features (I'm a big gadget fan  and I liked the idea of the improved flight time. It's really smart, very well but together and nicely designed. I like the app, very intuitive. I've had a quick play with some of the smart functions but it was too windy to risk too much messing about. Considering I've never flown a quad before I was up and flying no problem at all, turns out a quadcopter is a great way to exercise the German Shepherd, I attempted to motion track it but she wouldn't stand still long enough:-) The hazard avoidance seems to work very well, street lights and tree branches were no problem for it. Briefly tried tap to fly but gave up because I was worried about the wind, it did seem to be working well though, diverted its path to avoid tree branches and everything.
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