Flight distance : 954665 ft
I have just installed the HDMI unit in my Phantom 4 remote I folled the instrutions from the DJI how to video and when I finished it I did the test to make sure it was installed corectly "press C1 and press C2 buttons and they both beep, according to the video this means it was installed correctly, Iv turned it on and it asked for and update, I have update 1.6.0 the latest one but because it asked I pressed update it down loaded the update then I pressed install, it gets to about 50% and then this message appers, Deserializer Disconnected, Hardware failure, I can tilt the camera but no vision, on my HD tv I only get the Oscreen diplay, I have tried reinstalling the original usb moduale I get camera but stil lDeserializer Disconnected, Hardware failure, any help would be great. thanks inadvance.
Screen shot Deserialiser