Second Officer
Flight distance : 296381 ft
Unfortunately Kraków have much more 25 000 citizens and you need to have a permission from the city government.
There is also large CTR zone (you need to fill the form few days before and get clearance from pansa). There is also ATZ zone where you need a permission to fly.
And remember about 5km radius over airports where you also need to permission to fly.
There is no big deal to fly even in CTR in Poland (procedures are easy and fast, without a problems), however be sure you have all of permissions before fly.
Because of global hystery in the media about UAV's you can expect local people who will ask about permissions etc, and police may check You.
Of course if you get permissions there will be no problem. Polish police is aware of UAV's activity over country.
And one more thing - before each start you need make a safe 'start and land' location, you just need to place something on the ground and tell local people to move away because of air operations.
TIP: in a City you can't just get a start and land location (because every inch of the street have owner and you cannot just restrict it to yourself, so you need to rent 1m^2 of place... its crazy), so a workaround is just a rent of a parking place (you need a ticket from parkmeter), and then you can place there your start/land location - this is good for city centres.
TIP2: Poland is homogenic country, so if you look a bit like african guy (a bread, dark carnation), then also get some vest with a text 'UAV operator', because if dont a local people can take you as some terrorist (Polish people are sensitive about that and they may react quickly if they will se a dark guy with a beard and some controll device with antennas ;) ). Of course if you are dark guy wih a bread then nobody will have something wrong to You - Polish people are friendly in most, but it looks how it looks in a matter of last events - in that case just wear 'uav vest'. In overall a 'uav operator' vest is a good way to avoid questions from passers, i am also using it from time to time.