2224 24 2016-7-4
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Hell all,

Yesterday I had to cycle charge two of my batteries. As mentioned in the manual (similar to the Phantom) I drained my batteries last night to about 5%. Motors wouldn't even start at that point. I charged them up again 100% early this morning to hit the beach, but I still get the "warning" notification that I need to do a full discharge. Any takers? Anyone know why I'm still getting this message on two batteries?

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Flight distance : 988406 ft
United States

I run them down to 0%.  Hover about 1 foot or less off off the ground until the battery says 1% then land.  Leave the craft on until it shuts off on its on.  This is the way I have been cycling mine.  Seems to work.  I have 3 batteries.  When the battery gets that low you will have to give it throttle.
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United States

tdhines81 Posted at 2016-7-4 21:18
I run them down to 0%.  Hover about 1 foot or less off off the ground until the battery says 1% then ...

I read elsewhere that others have ran them down to zero. I wish DJI could be more explicit on that. Thanks, Hines.

I'm in an area with a ton of trees, can I just drain these batteries in my Inspire, turned on? I'd prefer not to take off just in case.
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Flight distance : 988406 ft
United States

SAFrankSU Posted at 2016-7-4 08:33
I read elsewhere that others have ran them down to zero. I wish DJI could be more explicit on that ...

You can, but it will take a long while.  I have tried that.  Just have the copter 10 foot in front of you and hover just off the ground the last 5% just in case.    You will get warnings, just give it throttle.  Again you will have to give throttle because it will try to auto land.  That is good, therefore you know the land option works.
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United Kingdom

tdhines81 Posted at 2016-7-4 17:18
You can, but it will take a long while.  I have tried that.  Just have the copter 10 foot in front ...

coolrun discharging gadget on ebay works well, it takes it to 0%
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2284573 ft

Don't rely too much on the percentage, this is in no way accurate. Go by voltage (much more accurate), aim to get it down to 3.3v or until the battery turns itself off. Plug the battery into the RC and leave it til it switches off and you're good to go, without risking your bird dropping out of the sky.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2284573 ft

byrneshaun4 Posted at 2016-7-4 17:48
coolrun discharging gadget on ebay works well, it takes it to 0%

Do you have a link to this discharging gadget?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 3517287 ft
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United States

markaguille Posted at 2016-7-5 03:03
Do you have a link to this discharging gadget?

A long time favorite is the Phantom Angel @ http://phantomangel.rocks/

I haven't heard of the CoolRun device but it's shown here.  There's an add-on fan module shown here.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 2284573 ft

terrylewis Posted at 2016-7-4 21:35
A long time favorite is the Phantom Angel @ http://phantomangel.rocks/

I haven't heard of the Cool ...

Cool. Thanks Terry.
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United Kingdom

terrylewis Posted at 2016-7-4 21:35
A long time favorite is the Phantom Angel @ http://phantomangel.rocks/

I haven't heard of the Cool ...

thats expensive try moto-sports-001 on ebay thats the seller or id only $40ish
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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Can you post a screenshot of the warning message you see.
If you still see it, then do a complete discharge but don't wait until the next day to charge, wait 30 minutes then fully charge and see if the message goes away.
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United States

The status/warning I got stated: "Battery requires a complete cycle of charging an discharging. Otherwise battery level may drop during flight and affect flight safety". I discharged all the way to 1%. It's half past midnight and I want to go to bed. I turned the battery off and on in the Inspire and it appeared my warning message went away... However...

I held the power button for about 5 seconds to check it's life. My 4th LED is now blinking (whereas the other 3 batteries show all 4 healthy LED indicators). How problematic is this one battery now? Is it normal for the battery life to drop like this after about 20-22 full charges? Is it OK to fly? Just keep an eye on how fast the battery drains during flight?
I also want to note that none of my batteries have started to swell.
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dr. D
Second Officer
Flight distance : 8699150 ft

SAFrankSU Posted at 2016-7-6 06:27
The status/warning I got stated: "Battery requires a complete cycle of charging an discharging. Othe ...

Or... Fly till you feel save, then connect the battery to the remote till battery power-off.
This certainly works (and your remote is charged as well).
There is a similar thread: http://forum.dji.com/thread-56446-1-1.html
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United States

Hello all,

I spoke to DJI over the phone yesterday and I thought I should share my updates with you all. Basically what I got out of the conversation was that:

A) Forget what the Inspire manual says about 5% or lower. Drain it until the battery shuts off.
B) If you hold the power button for 5 seconds you should get some sequence indicating battery life. This isn't always the most accurate representation.
C) Within the DJI Go App we can review our battery history and other items. You can review the voltage of each cell for any damage/ unusual readings. If the 6 indicators are not equal to each other (.1 to .2 is enough to be thrown off) you'll get the error message I was referring to about the discharge.

I was told that my "message" and LED indicators weren't that big of a deal. Delete the app and upload just in case. Always be cautious of flight messages and errors. Damaged cells = Land ASAP. I continued to fly yesterday with these batteries and I had no problem at all.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-7-4 22:00
Can you post a screenshot of the warning message you see.
If you still see it, then do a complete di ...

I know that I am arriving late to this party... but this is what I found out on my own accord.

I have just had the same warning message and the first time I took the  battery to 7% (3.72v per cell) this did not clear the message.
The second time I went to 5% about (3.69v per cell). and this still need not clear the message.
Last night I took the Inspire 1 down to 1% (3.61v per cell) and this did  the trick. Now the warning message has cleared and the battery is  charged back to 100%

PS::  mark there is no way to get these batteries to 3.3v per cell. The battery is completely drained (0%) at 3.59v per cell.  I ran one down all the wy until the Inspire shut off and the App showed 0.0 mAh remaining.  I am sure that DJI has this margin of error built into the iteliengent battery circuit to protect the battery!

IMG_0018.jpg IMG_0020.jpg IMG_0021.jpg


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R&L Aerial
First Officer
Flight distance : 298100 ft
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United States

I have been receiving the battery discharge message as well even though the batteries were recently cycle, it's probably another bug?
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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RichJ53 Posted at 2016-7-11 01:41
I know that I am arriving late to this party... but this is what I found out on my own accord.

Thanks Rich,
I've noted it and sent a message to R&D inquiring about it.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-7-10 19:02
Thanks Rich,
I've noted it and sent a message to R&D inquiring about it.

You are welcome Ken, this is not a big deal to me... just surprised how low the battery needs to be discharged before the App clears the warning.  Did you notice that a few FW updates ago, they removed the remaining battery health % from the battery information pages. This was nice to have as a reference and I could keep track on how the battery life was doing. Now we do not have anything to tell us. I ran this battery for the first 10 cycles to 50% as you suggested, and you can see the total mAH is now 4244 ... this does not seem to be holding up as well as I thought they would. Most likely get about 50 cycles at this rate before losing flight time below 12 minutes
what are your thoughts?
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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2016-7-11 12:55
You are welcome Ken, this is not a big deal to me... just surprised how low the battery needs to b ...

Ya, I liked it too, I noticed it I think 2 updates ago. I have not seen the battery discharge on any of the aircraft I fly yet, but I'm sure I will soon enough.
I think you'll get much more than 50 cycles above 12 minutes. Let's see what happens when you get there.
I think as times goes on with all the warnings and requirements they are making the batteries last longer. Time will tell.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-7-11 07:53
Ya, I liked it too, I noticed it I think 2 updates ago. I have not seen the battery discharge on a ...

It seems like I should see better flight time with the X3 camera I1 V2. I get 12-13 minutes and land at about 25% battery left.
The battery warning for me has  not come back like some others have reported. I thought I would post the rest of the photos in case you would like them for R&D

IMG_0022.jpg IMG_0023.jpg IMG_0024.jpg IMG_0025.jpg

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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2016-7-12 01:47
It seems like I should see better flight time with the X3 camera I1 V2. I get 12-13 minutes and la ...

Are you an aggressive flyer, also isn't it cold there?
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-7-11 10:57
Are you an aggressive flyer, also isn't it cold there?

I am a smooth pilot and yes, I fly somewhat aggressively. (no moss growing under the body)  No it is not cold here it will be about 90*F today. Summer is 80-110 here...

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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2016-7-12 02:06
I am a smooth pilot and yes, I fly somewhat aggressively. (no moss growing under the body)  No it  ...

Nice weather, can you try a hover test for a battery just to see the flight time. or better yet a full battery with slow forward flight the entire time, like a POI at 10mph or something like that.
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First Officer
Flight distance : 1837356 ft
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United States

DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-7-11 11:10
Nice weather, can you try a hover test for a battery just to see the flight time. or better yet a  ...


Yes, I will definitely try two flights for you as requested and use the same battery. I will let you know.

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DJI team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

RichJ53 Posted at 2016-7-12 06:37

Yes, I will definitely try two flights for you as requested and use the same battery. I will  ...

Sounds good, I'm just curious.
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