I borrowed a RAW X5 or X5R for short for my Inspire 1 to film an event and I quickly filled up the included hard drive with the footage, but I never have worked or even seen a video in RAW format so after exporting the files with the included DJI Exporter it looks like each clip is it's own folder and inside of it there is thousands of files which looks like each frame of the video is a separate file. Is this correct? Should I just pass all those files to my friend will they be able to put it in their Premiere Pro or whatever program they edit it with? I'm not a video guy I'm just a pilot
Edit: Each of these little files is in .DNG format
You should be able to pass the entire thing to someone who has editing softwafre capable of editing the lossless video and they should be able to edit it.You pretty much have the ability to edit each frame.
The X5R is really only useful for a handful of people who require that kind ofr editing capability.
DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-7-5 13:13
You should be able to pass the entire thing to someone who has editing softwafre capable of editing ...
Exactly, I grabbed the X5R only for that reason, they wanted highest quality I could possibly get on this drone I just wasn't sure of how it works. It looks like this
Adobe Premiere pro will open and edit these DNG files natively ok. The computer will need to be high spec to run smoothly but Premiere can use proxie files to work easier on lower spec computers