Hello to all those reading, My name is Joey Schmit and I am an owner of a DJI Phantom 3 Professional. The aircraft was purchased via the DJI store on October 5, 2015 (Order #001136720713). The serial number of the P3P is 1011585.
On 6/18/16, my aircraft was at 90% battery, hovering roughly 150 feet in the sky, and all of the sudden the motors all shut off and my drone fell from the sky without ever re-powering, causing the aircraft to fall into a body of water. I was told by chat that warranty does not cover water damage, but the problem is not with the water damage -- the aircraft had a malfunction while in the air, causing it to fall like a brick out of the sky.
I calibrated the compass before flying, was flying the most current firmware, the battery was charged to 96% at take-off, and there were no errors on the initial DJI GO app before the flight or during the mission.
I just completed an online chat with a DJI representative and did not reach any sort of conclusion about warranty information or how to go about finding out the problem my drone encountered while in the air. I would like to get to the bottom of the issue, but need to know what files to send you and how to go about this process. They gave me an e-mail address to send to (support.na7@dji.com), but that was it and they ended the chat.
Is there anyone willing to guide me on what DJI needs and how to navigate the warranty claim process? I will provide any files necessary (logs, screen videos of DJI GO app, screenshots, the aircraft itself, etc.). In fact, I am posting all of the pictures from the log via Healthy Drone as well as a zip file containing the original flight record from the DJI GO app, the Healthy Drones CSV report, as well as the Healthy Drones KML file showing the flight path.
You can see that the drone magically ends its flight 154 feet in the air -- that is not a legitimate landing spot!
Any help on this would be amazing. I will follow up with any solutions on this thread to help with other people in the future. Want/need to get to the bottom of this failure.