Flight distance : 120141 ft
United States
Hi eveyone,
So far I am very happy with my Phantom 3 standard. 1.8.6 update hasnt cause troubles for me. However.. since I had it.. sometimes when I take off my Phantom hovers stedy as a rock... even when there is wind.. the altittude compensates fast to the changes in wind.. I can not even notice the props going faster or slower when there is a smal gust of wind.. it stays rock solid. But,,, it happened four times to me already,, that sometimes the drone does not stay rock solid.. and I can hear the drone reving the props to adjust for the altitud... as if it was having a hard time maintaining altitud .. It does maintain altitud.. but it feels unsecure... as if it was saying.. ok now i will trottle up... ok now i will trottle down.. upsss! nop lets throttle down again... you get the picture? so the props are reving up and down and you can hear it.. like it is having a hard time taking decisions as to how to compensate for the changes in the wind.. Even if there is no wind at all.. sometimes it will do the same thing.
Ok,, so... I calibrated the IMU on a flat surface some time ago and the drone flew fine and I havent claibrated the IMU since then. The last time I calibrated the compass was yesterday and the drone flew rock solid ,so today i didnt calibrate the compass.. compass sensors read in the range of 1500 and 1570. So today I took off and thats when i noticed the drone had the problem of remainding steady.. so I landed... turn it off.. and turin it on back on. took off, and it was rock solid after that.
What can be causing this? do I need to recalibrate the IMU>?? This has happened 4 times since I had it and I cant pinpoint what is causing it. Can you guys share some insight on this tell me if this has hapened to you and when it has happened to you ?
Flight logs in helathy drones dont show anything abnormal..