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Think prop locks will truly ship today?
1063 2 2015-1-25
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United States

When DJI announced the prop locks, they stated they would be available on Monday.  It is current Monday in China where these things are being manufactured. I am one that bought direct from DJI so expecting them to ship to me direct.
For me, I have taken the risk and been flying a bit since the issue was reported with the props. Just today having a beautiful flight with no prop issues.

It is a gamble I know. But I certainly hope the prop locks ship and come to me this week! I hate the thought of being grounded and I am sure a lot of you that chose to stay grounded are more anxious than I.

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United States

So... I'm a bit new. Only placed my order a week ago and been browsing the message boards since then. I've heard mention of prop locks before, but when I tried to look for some on DJI's page I didn't see any. I may have just missed it.

But it also sounds like maybe DJI is sending them out to people who got Inspire 1 directly though them. Is that correct?

I just want to be fully prepared when my drone finally comes.

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United States

JakeLikesStuff Posted at 2015-1-26 08:37
So... I'm a bit new. Only placed my order a week ago and been browsing the message boards since then ...

Yes; check previous postings for lots of more details. They will ship PLs direct to people that bought direct and the ones that bought through dealers should contact their dealer for their PLs.

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