Flight distance : 68555177 ft
Hello, I have an Inspire 1 Pro, two standard Inspires and an Osmo. I purchased a second X5 camera and X5 adapter to use on my Osmo only. Today I stuck the new X5 on the Osmo and it said firmware update required. I downloaded the latest firmware from and put it on the SD card and started the update. A few minutes into the update the left hand LED turned red and it beeped constantly. I saw on the app that the update failed. I now get no video feed from the camera when connected to the Osmo or Inspire 1 Pro. It will not complete an upgrade using the Osmo or I1. My other X5 works fine on both so I think I can rule out hardware on the I1 and Osmo/X5 adapter front. I called DJI Support US and the guy sounded like he was reading a script and was no help at all. I tried the Trigger + Record + Power firmare reset with no success. Any suggestions before I send the camera back to the vendor I purchased it from? Oh, In the app it shows that it's on the latest firmware for both Osmo and I1..