Just thought I'd log in and let all know of my progress ( and problems ) experienced with updating my F550 to the iOSD Mark II. I'll post some pictures for clarity. First off, the replacement went
very smoothly thanks to some help from DJI-Jamie ( see above ). Removed the old "Mini" unit, made some minor re-wirings ( mainly in the area of battery power as the new iOSD came with a power lead with two
XT-60 connectors ). That done, I double-checked all the new wiring ( and some of the old ) not wanting to "fry" my new purchase or my "bird" ( F550's taste awful I'm told ! ). Screwed up my courage and powered up the drone. No "gesparkin" ! The drone proceeded through it's warm up and satellite acquisition, and my field monitor came up with the iOSD display without a whimper. Success !! ... almost ... This is where I began an off and on two week session of pulling out what little hair I had left. ... Next thing to try was the CSC to get the motors up and running. NOPE ! Nary a twitch. Had I somehow mis-wired something ?
Broke out the Assistant Software and began a run through the set ups. Hmmmm when I got to the "Motor Test" section, all worked just fine - using the Assistant, I could get each of the motors to briefly spin up so the wiring was ok, the "problem" seemed to lay with the NAZA IMU ! As stated, I spent almost two weeks checking this , checking that, browsing the Net for any glimmer of help, all to no avail, the F550 stubbornly refused to
fire up. {:4_157:} Called a friend, he came over and we both were pulling hair ! I had reached the point of desperation where I was considering a "Hard Reset" of the IMU having now run out of ideas as to where the problem lay. Enough now, of the chest beating, Yesterday evening, I had a thought, what if somehow the THROTTLE was backwards ??? ( No idea how that could have happened but ... ). Arose early fired everything up
and pushed the throttle stick to what should have been 100%, and did the CSC thingy ... ( big pause ) YES ! up spun the motors nice as you please ! I was so excited I temporarily forgot that things ( throttle ) were now apparently REVERSED and from habit, pushed the throttle down to shut off the motors, The F550 dutifully started for the ceiling ! Caught it before bad things happened and shut down successfully. SUCCESS ( at last ). I, like others, i'm sure couldn't see the trees for the forest and spent several hours ( days ) checking all sorts of "possibilities" as to why the CSC command was not working. All the new wiring and iOSD were just fine. As said somehow in the doing of things the throttle became programmed BACKWARDS. I was just glad I did not have to go into the "bird" once more on what would have been yet another futile search for the problem.
Those of you who may be having CSC "problems" - check your throttle setup ! It can be just that simple ... Unfortunately, the Assistant software will not tell you WHY the IMU won't accept the CSC command.
This weekend it's now out to the desert to run the new iOSD through its paces and see what kind of data it produces ... Call me "HAPPY ! "