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Who wants to see an App for Windows PC?
2277 6 2016-7-26
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United States

With all the great windows tablets out there, it is a shame we dont have a compatible mobile app for windows. I am surprised DJI has not put more R&D into making this happen.
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The market share of tablets in 2015 are 61% 28%  11% for Android, iOS, Windows, respectively.  That's just for tablets, not including a lot of people who's using phone instead like me, and Windows basically gave up their phone system. And people tend to use Windows tablets for business purpose.

Combine all the factors together, users who intend to use a windows tablet for their DJI drone should less than 1% of all the consumers.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

DJI-H.C breaks it down pretty good.
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Second Officer
Flight distance : 4804163 ft
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DJI-Ken Posted at 2016-7-29 02:30
DJI-H.C breaks it down pretty good.

Well, you might be wrong there: figures for the Microsoit Surface are pretty strong and going up every month , while IOS is going the other direction for almost six months now.
And more and more market leading suppliers are discovering the clear advantages of having exactly the same look and feel and working method in a tablet, a laptop and a phone. Only this year more than 10 new Hybrids (Windows Laptops that can be transformed into a Tablet in the blink of an eye) have hit the shelves.

Why buy a laptop and a Android or IOS Tablet if you can have both in one with REAL apps ?
And, NO, I'm not working for MS. I had all Apple products untill my company decided to go the W10 way. After a few weeks I soild all my private IOS and OSX equipmùent also.
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DJI Team
Flight distance : 1515312 ft
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United States

PhanFran Posted at 2016-7-29 05:48
Well, you might be wrong there: figures for the Microsoit Surface are pretty strong and going up e ...

That would be nice, we'll see what happens next year depending on how popular MS is.

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I would be among the first to pull the software down if it was available. I refuse to carry one of the bigger phones and other than that I am a fully committed Windows guy. I have 7", 8" and a Surface tablet that are all very capable machines. But my android phone is just too small to be really useful. So now it looks like I have to shop for a dedicated and cheap android tablet for my Phantom. Seems like such a waste when I have all this other equipment. The comment about teh capability of teh Surface is right on the money. My small ones are quite good (the 7" HP one would be perfect for this use) but the Surface just integrates everything so much better.

DJI, get your programmers working on a Windows version of the software!!!
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I'm actually considering buying a Phantom 4 Drone ... But ... But ... I'm fully equiped with Microsoft/Windows stuff : Lumia 930 and Surface Book, and a i dont want to buy an Android tablet just to be able to use the drone ... So ...
... Do anyone heard about DJI plans to make a WIN10 App ?

Thanks !
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