United States
Headlines on my browser MSN News:
"Small drone crashes at White House complex, origin unclear."
"WASHINGTON (AP) — A small drone flying at low altitude crashed into the White House complex before dawn Monday, the Secret Service said. President Barack Obama was not at home and the White House said it did not pose a security threat.
The crash prompted an immediate lockdown of the White House grounds until officials could examine the drone. The Secret Service said the 2-foot-long device was a quadcopter — a small, unmanned aircraft that is lifted by four propellers."
Stuff like this is going to make the "drone-a-phobia/mania" start to accelerate in the media and the pressure on the FAA will surely increase. I have a feeling that the Government is going to cause the manufacturers, such as DJI, to hardwire more irreversible limits or trackers into their aircraft with ID much like the transponders we have in we have in general aviation.
Guard your Inspires well, for they may become very valuable as "pre-restriction" birds. Mine is already worth more to me than I paid.
The FAA is apparently relying on the AMA (Academy of Model Aeronautics) for some input regarding future limitations on the RC community. If you are not a member of the AMA, it might be prudent to join up.
Flying our drones still offers us ALMOST unlimited freedom to enjoy what they were designed to do. We all need to get out there and fly hard!