Not A Speck Of
Flight distance : 666493 ft
United States
- The interference message might be just that: you could be flying in a space with heavy interference. Get to a sports field, well away from metal objects, factories, airports, etc. etc.
- Battery for what? Aircraft or remote?
- Choppy video is a common problem for people that a) record in a very high resolution, then b) play back on a computer that is not strong enough to playback that high rez video, at least not without a lot of processing.
Here are some things you should provide for better help:
- Exact message text. A screen shot of the DJI Go application in action, showing the signal levels for all areas (satillites, remote, HD, battery, etc.)
- Which battery
- What format you recorded video in and the specs of the computer you played the video back on.
With more info, we could give better solution recommendations.
Did you have trouble with actual DJI support? Could it be that they were looking for more concrete specifics before being able to help?