Finally I managed to complete the follow up to my video "Soviet radio station". The plan is to make a series of videos about soviet installations across Estonia. This time the star of the show is old soviet submarine base which is locatad in Hara bay Estonia. This installation was among other things used to demagnetise soviet submarines.
If possible please use headphones because I think the track that I found is amazing. Big compliments for the music: Droplets by jaspertine (c) copyright 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license.
That is excellent work Martin, well done and thanks for sharing with us!Some great movement there, lots of variety in your composition that keep it interesting and really conveys the atmosphere of the place.
vonbaron1 Posted at 2016-8-5 11:24
Nice job. Be interesting to see what that placed looked like when it was in operation as to compared ...
Almost all the coastline was prohibited zone during the soviet times. (Not to protect the region but to keep people from leaving) However I agree with you that it would have been nice to see this base in original condition with the submarines.