 Second Officer
Too ironic...
I posted this earlier....
So I think I figured out dumb dumbs defence for how is drone went astray!
So, first dude like I was sitting on my balcony and had a few beers and decided, gee, I should fly this thing tonight, it's nice and quiet at 3 o'clock in the morning.
So then I started it up, and dude, as I get ready to take off I realized, oh crap, I probably had too many beers so I should just turn it off and go to bed and leave it till tomorrow when I have a clear head.
And I totally gapped it at this point because I shut off the controller first and that's when the shit hit the fan.
The bird just took off and flew away on its own, I didn't know what to do, flip the switches on the controller and nothing happens, there she went, bye-bye Birdie! So all I could do was watch...I cried for hours...and then went to bed hoping I could find it later.
When I woke up the next morning with a clear head I realized what I had done and was like oh crap, my last GPS lock was about 100 miles away from here (in a safe and legal to fly location of course) so when I shut off the controller the bird went into RTH mode and it tried to go home..
Damn..if only I knew what RTFM meant...I should have set a new home point...and if I could RTFM I wouldn't of been flying in the first place at that time of night in a highly populated city near the freaking WhiteHouse..where it is totally illegal to fly in the first place!
Sorry FBI, NSA, FAA and anyone else I put out. |